stochasticInflationRhoParameter-comma-AnnualAggLossDevModelOutput-dash-method: A method to plot and/or return the posterior of the...

Description Arguments Value See Also


A method to plot and/or return the posterior of the stochastic inflation rho parameter for models in BALD.



The object of type AnnualAggLossDevModelOuput from which to plot and/or return the stochastic inflation rho parameter.


A logical value. If TRUE, the density is plotted. If plotTrace is also TRUE, then two plots are generated. If they are both FALSE, only the statistics are returned.


A logical value. If TRUE, the trace is plotted. If plotDensity is also TRUE, then two plots are generated. If they are both FALSE, only the statistics are returned.


Mainly called for the side effect of plotting. Also returns a named array with select quantiles of the rho parameter. Returned invisibly.

See Also

stochasticInflationRhoParameter stochasticInflationStationaryMean stochasticInflation

BALD documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:51 a.m.