
Defines functions do_clutch_time

Documented in do_clutch_time

#' Get games with clutch time
#' @aliases do_clutch_time
#' @description 
#' Obtain the games that have clutch time. The clutch time is the game situation when the 
#' scoring margin is within 5 points with five or fewer minutes remaining in a game.
#' @usage 
#' do_clutch_time(data)
#' @param data Source play-by-play data.
#' @return 
#' Data frame of the game that has clutch time.
#' @author 
#' Guillermo Vinue
#' @examples 
#' df0 <- do_clutch_time(acb_vbc_cz_pbp_2223)
#' #df0 # If no rows, that means that the game did not have clutch time.
#' @export

do_clutch_time <- function(data) {
  period <- time_point <- local_score <- visitor_score <- NULL
  # Check if there were overtimes after the fourth period:
  per_type <- unique(data$period)
  per_sel <- per_type[grep("4C|PR", per_type)]
  data_cl <- data.frame()
  for (k in per_sel) {
    # Clutch time:
    df1 <- data %>%
      filter(grepl(k, period), time_point < "05:00") %>%
      mutate(local_score = as.numeric(local_score),
             visitor_score = as.numeric(visitor_score))
    diff_score <- abs(df1$local_score[1] - df1$visitor_score[1])
    if (diff_score > 5) {
      data_cl <- bind_rows(data_cl, df1)

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