Man pages for BFpack
Flexible Bayes Factor Testing of Scientific Expectations

actorsActors from a small hypothetical network
attentionMultiple Sources of Attentional Dysfunction in Adults With...
bartlett_testBartlett Test of Homogeneity of Variances
BFBayes factors for Bayesian exploratory and confirmatory...
BFpack-packageBFpack: Flexible Bayes factor testing of scientific...
cor_testBayesian correlation analysis
FcorStudent t approximations of Fisher transformed correlations
fmrifMRI data
memoryMemory data on health and schizophrenic patients
mvt_testMultivariate Student t test
releventsA sequence of innovation-related e-mail messages
same_cultureSame culture event statistic
same_locationSame location event statistic
sivanWason task performance and morality
therapeuticData come from an experimental study (Rosa, Rosa, Sarner, and...
timssICCTrends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)...
tvpricesPrecision of the Anchor Influences the Amount of Adjustment
wilsonFacial trustworthiness and criminal sentencing
BFpack documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:15 a.m.