Vignette BIOMASS

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, cache = TRUE)
test <- TRUE

Load BIOMASS and datasets

Install BIOMASS (to be done once)


Load the package

require(knitr) # To build tables in this document

Load the two datasets stored in the package


Select 10 plots for illustrative purpose

selecPlot <- KarnatakaForest$plotId %in% c("BSP2", "BSP12", "BSP14", "BSP26", "BSP28", "BSP30", "BSP34", "BSP44", "BSP63", "BSP65")
KarnatakaForestsub <- droplevels(KarnatakaForest[selecPlot, ])

Retrieve wood density

Check and retrieve taxonomy

First, check for any typo in the taxonomy

Taxo <- correctTaxo(genus = KarnatakaForestsub$genus, species = KarnatakaForestsub$species, useCache = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
KarnatakaForestsub$genusCorr <- Taxo$genusCorrected
KarnatakaForestsub$speciesCorr <- Taxo$speciesCorrected

If needed, retrieve APG III families and orders from genus names

APG <- getTaxonomy(KarnatakaForestsub$genusCorr, findOrder = TRUE)
KarnatakaForestsub$familyAPG <- APG$family
KarnatakaForestsub$orderAPG <- APG$order

Wood density

Retrieve wood density using the plot level average if no genus level information is available

dataWD <- getWoodDensity(
  genus = KarnatakaForestsub$genusCorr,
  species = KarnatakaForestsub$speciesCorr,
  stand = KarnatakaForestsub$plotId

The same but using the family average and adding other wood density values as references (here invented for the example)

LocalWoodDensity <- data.frame(
  genus = c("Ziziphus", "Terminalia", "Garcinia"),
  species = c("oenopolia", "bellirica", "indica"),
  wd = c(0.65, 0.72, 0.65)

dataWD <- getWoodDensity(
  genus = KarnatakaForestsub$genusCorr,
  species = KarnatakaForestsub$speciesCorr,
  family = KarnatakaForestsub$familyAPG,
  stand = KarnatakaForestsub$plotID,
  addWoodDensityData = LocalWoodDensity

Below the number of wood density value estimated at the species, genus and plot level:

# At species level
sum(dataWD$levelWD == "species")
# At genus level
sum(dataWD$levelWD == "genus")
# At plot level
sum(!dataWD$levelWD %in% c("genus", "species"))

Build height-diameter models

You may compare different models at once

result <- modelHD(
  D = NouraguesHD$D,
  H = NouraguesHD$H,
  useWeight = TRUE

Compute the local H-D model with the lowest RSE

HDmodel <- modelHD(
  D = NouraguesHD$D,
  H = NouraguesHD$H,
  method = "log2",
  useWeight = TRUE

Compute models specific to given stands

HDmodelPerPlot <- modelHD(
  D = NouraguesHD$D, H = NouraguesHD$H, method = "weibull",
  useWeight = TRUE, plot = NouraguesHD$plotId
ResHD <- t(sapply(HDmodelPerPlot, function(x) c(coef(x$model), RSE = x$RSE)))
kable(ResHD, row.names = TRUE, digits = 3)

Retrieve height data

Retrieve height data from a local Height-diameter model (Note that using a HD model built on French guianan trees for Indian trees is only for illustrative purpose here)

dataHlocal <- retrieveH(
  D = KarnatakaForestsub$D,
  model = HDmodel

Retrieve height data from a Feldpaush et al. (2012) averaged model

dataHfeld <- retrieveH(
  D = KarnatakaForestsub$D,
  region = "SEAsia"

Retrieve height data from Chave et al. (2012) equation 6

dataHchave <- retrieveH(
  D = KarnatakaForestsub$D,
  coord = KarnatakaForestsub[, c("long", "lat")]

Estimate AGB

Organize data

KarnatakaForestsub$WD <- dataWD$meanWD
KarnatakaForestsub$H <- dataHlocal$H
KarnatakaForestsub$Hfeld <- dataHfeld$H

Compute AGB(Mg) per tree

AGBtree <- computeAGB(
  D = KarnatakaForestsub$D,
  WD = KarnatakaForestsub$WD,
  H = KarnatakaForestsub$H

Compute AGB(Mg) per plot (need to be divided by plot area to get Mg/ha)

AGBplot <- summaryByPlot(AGBtree, KarnatakaForestsub$plotId)

Compute AGB(Mg) per tree without height information (Eq. 7 from Chave et al. (2014))

AGBplotChave <- summaryByPlot(
    D = KarnatakaForestsub$D, WD = KarnatakaForestsub$WD,
    coord = KarnatakaForestsub[, c("long", "lat")]

Compute AGB(Mg) per tree with Feldpausch et al. (2012) regional H-D model

AGBplotFeld <- summaryByPlot(
    D = KarnatakaForestsub$D, WD = KarnatakaForestsub$WD,
    H = KarnatakaForestsub$Hfeld
  plot = KarnatakaForestsub$plotId

Propagate AGB errors

Organize data

KarnatakaForestsub$sdWD <- dataWD$sdWD
KarnatakaForestsub$HfeldRSE <- dataHfeld$RSE

Propagate error for all tree at once using the local HD model constructed above (modelHD), i.e. non-independent allometric errors will be assigned to all trees at each iteration, independently of plots.

resultMC <- AGBmonteCarlo(D = KarnatakaForestsub$D, WD = KarnatakaForestsub$WD, errWD = KarnatakaForestsub$sdWD, HDmodel = HDmodel, Dpropag = "chave2004")
Res <- summaryByPlot(resultMC$AGB_simu, KarnatakaForestsub$plotId)
Res <- Res[order(Res$AGB), ]
plot(Res$AGB, pch = 20, xlab = "Plots", ylab = "AGB", ylim = c(0, max(Res$Cred_97.5)), las = 1, cex.lab = 1.3)
segments(seq(nrow(Res)), Res$Cred_2.5, seq(nrow(Res)), Res$Cred_97.5, col = "red")

Using the Feldpaush regional HD averaged model (code only given)

resultMC <- AGBmonteCarlo(
  D = KarnatakaForestsub$D,
  WD = KarnatakaForestsub$WD,
  errWD = KarnatakaForestsub$sdWD,
  H = KarnatakaForestsub$Hfeld,
  errH = KarnatakaForestsub$HfeldRSE,
  Dpropag = "chave2004"

Res <- summaryByPlot(resultMC$AGB_simu, KarnatakaForestsub$plotId)
Res <- Res[order(Res$AGB), ]
plot(Res$AGB, pch = 20, xlab = "Plots", ylab = "AGB", ylim = c(0, max(Res$Cred_97.5)), las = 1, cex.lab = 1.3)
segments(seq(nrow(Res)), Res$Cred_2.5, seq(nrow(Res)), Res$Cred_97.5, col = "red")

Per plot using the Chave et al. (2014) Equation 7 (code only given)

resultMC <- AGBmonteCarlo(
  D = KarnatakaForestsub$D,
  WD = KarnatakaForestsub$WD,
  errWD = KarnatakaForestsub$sdWD,
  coord = KarnatakaForestsub[, c("long", "lat")],
  Dpropag = "chave2004"
Res <- summaryByPlot(resultMC$AGB_simu, KarnatakaForestsub$plotId)
Res <- Res[order(Res$AGB), ]
plot(Res$AGB, pch = 20, xlab = "Plots", ylab = "AGB", ylim = c(0, max(Res$Cred_97.5)), las = 1, cex.lab = 1.3)
segments(seq(nrow(Res)), Res$Cred_2.5, seq(nrow(Res)), Res$Cred_97.5, col = "red")

Some tricks

Mixing measured and estimated height values

If you want to use a mix of directly-measured height and of estimated ones, you may do the following steps.

(@) Build a vector of H and RSE where we assume an error of 0.5 m on directly measured trees

NouraguesHD$Hmix <- NouraguesHD$H
NouraguesHD$RSEmix <- 0.5
filt <-$Hmix)
NouraguesHD$Hmix[filt] <- retrieveH(NouraguesHD$D, model = HDmodel)$H[filt]
NouraguesHD$RSEmix[filt] <- HDmodel$RSE

(@) Apply the AGBmonteCarlo by setting the height values and their errors (which depend on whether the tree was directly measured or estimated)

wd <- getWoodDensity(NouraguesHD$genus, NouraguesHD$species)
resultMC <- AGBmonteCarlo(
  D = NouraguesHD$D, WD = wd$meanWD, errWD = wd$sdWD,
  H = NouraguesHD$Hmix, errH = NouraguesHD$RSEmix,
  Dpropag = "chave2004"
Res <- summaryByPlot(resultMC$AGB_simu, NouraguesHD$plotId)
Res <- Res[order(Res$AGB), ]
plot(Res$AGB, pch = 20, xlab = "Plots", ylab = "AGB (Mg/ha)", ylim = c(0, max(Res$Cred_97.5)), las = 1, cex.lab = 1.3)
segments(1:nrow(Res), Res$Cred_2.5, 1:nrow(Res), Res$Cred_97.5, col = "red")

Add your tricks

Please contact Maxime ( if you would like to add here a code that may be useful for users (code authorship will be respected)

Try the BIOMASS package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

BIOMASS documentation built on Sept. 29, 2023, 5:09 p.m.