Man pages for BIRDS
Biodiversity Information Review and Decision Support

BIRDSBIRDS: Biodiversity Information Review and Decision Support.
bombusObsSpecies observations for the genus _Bombus_ spp. in Götaland,...
bombusObsShortA short version of bombusObs dataset for faster examples.
bryophytaObsSpecies observations of bryophytes in Götaland, Sweden
communityMatrixCreate a community matrix (grid cells x species)
communityMatrixGridCreates a community matrix per grid cell (sample x species x...
countIfHigherA function to count pixels with data
countsYearMonthInternal function for getSpatiotemporal()
createOverlayForGridCreate spillover overlay for specific grid
createVisitsCreate unique visits IDs
deconstructOverlayDeconstruction of the overlay
drawPolygonCreate the polygon for the study area by drawing into a world...
exploreVisitsA function to explore the definition of field visits
exportBirdsExport single variables from SummarisedBirds objects
exposeIgnoranceCreate ignorance scores
extractPresenceExtract presence from SB
findColsFind a text among column names
focalSpReportSummarise all records for a species
focalSpSummarySummarize records of a species among all visits
getGridIDsCreate unique IDs based on a grid
getSpatialCollect spatial data
getSpatioTemporalCollect spatio-temporal data
getTemporalCollect temporal data
getUTMprojA wrapper around getUTMzone and produce a crs object string
getUTMzoneinternal function. Depends on the polygon object utmZones
gotalandGötaland, Sweden.
gridAsStringConvert a grid into a web query string.
includeSpilloverInclude spillover observations
includeUniqueSpilloverInclude unique spillover observations
listSpeciesLists all species names from the data set
logObsIndThe actual observation index function
makeCircleCreate the minimum circle containing the points
makeGridMake a grid
OB2PolygonCreate the polygon for the study area from a data set of...
obsDataExtract observation data
obsIndexObservation Index
obsIndexSpatialRelative observation index (Spatial)
obsIndexTemporalRelative observation index (Temporal)
organizeBirdsOrganize a data.frame to a usable format
organizeDateOrganize the date-column(s)
overlayBirdsOverlay BIRDS object and grid
recBySppObservations by species or records-by-species matrix
removeInexDaysA funciton to remove inexistent combination of days like...
removeObsRemove observations belonging to the shortest ("worst")...
renameGridRename the cells in a grid
SBA simple summarisedBirds object.
searchPolygonSearching polygon covering Götaland, Sweden.
simpleSBA simple empty summarisedBirds object.
simplifySppSimplify species names
spatialVisitsA function to convert visits into a spatial object
speciesSummarySummarize all records for a species
summarizeBirdsSummarize the OrganizedBirds
visitsGet/set the visits
whichNonEmptyWhich cells are not empty
BIRDS documentation built on June 27, 2021, 1:06 a.m.