Man pages for BNPdensity
Ferguson-Klass Type Algorithm for Posterior Normalized Random Measures

acidityAcidity Index Dataset
addAdd x and y
as.mcmc.multNRMIConvert the output of multMixNRMI into a coda mcmc object
asNumeric_no_warningIf the function Rmpfr::asNumeric returns a warning about...
BNPdensity-packageBayesian nonparametric density estimation
cens_data_checkCensoring data check
censor_code_rlCensor code right-left
comment_on_NRMI_typeComment on the NRMI process depending on the value of the...
comp1Ties function: univariate
comp2Ties function: bivariate
compute_optimal_clusteringCompute the optimal clustering from an MCMC sample
compute_thinning_gridCompute the grid for thinning the MCMC chain
convert_to_mcmcConvert the output of multMixNRMI into a coda mcmc object
cpoConditional predictive ordinate function
cpo.multNRMIExtract the Conditional Predictive Ordinates (CPOs) from a...
cpo.NRMI1Extract the Conditional Predictive Ordinates (CPOs) from a...
cpo.NRMI2Extract the Conditional Predictive Ordinates (CPOs) from a...
dhalfcauchyDensity half Cauchy
dhalfnormDensity half normal
dhalftDensity half Student-t
dist_name_k_index_converterConvert distribution names to indices
dkKernel density function
dkcens2Density of the chosen kernel
dkcens2_1valDensity evaluation once
dt_Non-standard student-t density
dtnormDensity truncated normal
enzymeEnzyme Dataset
Enzyme1.outFit of MixNRMI1 function to the enzyme dataset
Enzyme2.outFit of MixNRMI2 function to the enzyme dataset
expected_number_of_components_DirichletComputes the expected number of components for a Dirichlet...
expected_number_of_components_stableComputes the expected number of components for a stable...
fcondXAConditional density evaluation in the semiparametric model
fcondXA2Conditional density evaluation in the fully nonparametric...
fcondXA2cens2Conditional density evaluation in the fully nonparametric...
fcondYXAConditional posterior distribution of the latents Y
fcondYXAcens2Conditional posterior distribution of the latents Y in the...
fcondYZXAConditional posterior distribution of the bivariate latents...
fcondYZXAcens2Conditional posterior distribution of the bivariate latents...
fill_sigmasRepeat the common scale parameter of a semiparametric model...
galaxyGalaxy Data Set
Galaxy1.outFit of MixNRMI1 function to the galaxy dataset
Galaxy2.outFit of MixNRMI2 function to the galaxy dataset
give_kernel_nameGives the kernel name from the integer code
GOFplotsPlot Goodness of fits graphical checks for censored data
GOFplots_censoredPlot Goodness of fits graphical checks for censored data
GOFplots_noncensoredPlot Goodness of fits graphical checks for non censored data
grid_from_dataCreate a plotting grid from censored or non-censored data.
grid_from_data_censoredCreate a plotting grid from censored data.
grid_from_data_noncensoredCreate a plotting grid from non-censored data.
gs3Conditional posterior distribution of latent U
gs3_adaptive3Conditional posterior distribution of latent U
gs3_logConditional posterior distribution of latent logU
gs4Resampling Ystar function
gs4cens2Resampling Ystar function in the case of censoring
gs5Conditional posterior distribution of sigma
gs5cens2Conditional posterior distribution of sigma in the case of...
gsHPUpdates the hyper-parameters of py0
gsYZstarJointly resampling Ystar and Zstar function
gsYZstarcens2Jointly resampling Ystar and Zstar function in the case of...
is_censoredTest if the data is censored
is_semiparametricTests if a fit is a semi parametric or nonparametric model.
logacceptance_ratio_loguMetropolis-Hastings ratio for the conditional of logU
logdprop_loguContribution of the proposal kernel logdensity to the...
logf_logu_cond_yContribution of the target logdensity of logU to the...
logf_u_cond_yTarget logdensity of U given the data
MixNRMI1Normalized Random Measures Mixture of Type I
MixNRMI1censNormalized Random Measures Mixture of Type I for censored...
MixNRMI2Normalized Random Measures Mixture of Type II
MixNRMI2censNormalized Random Measures Mixture of Type II for censored...
MixPY1Pitman-Yor process mixture of Type I
MixPY2Pitman-Yor process mixture of Type II
multMixNRMI1Multiple chains of MixNRMI1
multMixNRMI1censMultiple chains of MixNRMI1cens
multMixNRMI2Multiple chains of MixNRMI2
multMixNRMI2censMultiple chains of MixNRMI2cens
MvContinuous Jump heights function
MvInvInvert jump heights function
p0Centering function
phalfcauchyDistribution function half Cauchy
phalfnormDistribution function half Normal
phalftDistribution function half Student-t
pkKernel distribution function
plotCDF_censoredPlot the Turnbull CDF and fitted CDF for censored data.
plotCDF_noncensoredPlot the empirical and fitted CDF for non censored data.
plot_clustering_and_CDFPlot the clustering and the Cumulative Distribution Function
plotfit_censoredPlot the density estimate and the 95% credible interval for...
plotfit_noncensoredPlot the density estimate and the 95% credible interval for...
plot.multNRMIPlot the density estimate and the 95% credible interval
plot.NRMI1Plot the density estimate and the 95% credible interval
plot.NRMI2Plot the density estimate and the 95% credible interval
plotPDF_censoredPlot the density for censored data.
plotPDF_noncensoredPlot the density and a histogram for non censored data.
plot_prior_number_of_componentsThis plots the prior distribution on the number of components...
plot.PY1Plot the density estimate and the 95% credible interval
plot.PY2Plot the density estimate and the 95% credible interval
pp_plot_censoredPlot the percentile-percentile graph for non censored data,...
pp_plot_noncensoredPlot the percentile-percentile graph for non censored data.
print.multNRMIS3 method for class 'multNRMI'
print.NRMI1S3 method for class 'MixNRMI1'
print.NRMI2S3 method for class 'MixNRMI2'
print.PY1S3 method for class 'PY1'
print.PY2S3 method for class 'PY2'
process_dist_nameProcess the distribution name argument into a distribution...
pt_Distribution function non-standard student-t
ptnormDistribution function truncated normal
qgenericGeneric function to find quantiles of a distribution
qhalfcauchyQuantile function half Cauchy
qhalfnormQuantile function half Normal
qhalftQuantile function half Student-t
qq_plot_censoredPlot the quantile-quantile graph for censored data.
qq_plot_noncensoredPlot the quantile-quantile graph for non censored data.
qt_Quantile function non-standard Student-t
qtnormQuantile function truncated normal
rfystarConditional posterior distribution of the distinct Ystar
rfystarcens2Conditional posterior distribution of the distinct Ystar in...
rfyzstarConditional posterior distribution of the distinct vectors...
rfyzstarcens2Conditional posterior distribution of the distinct vectors...
rhalfcauchyRandom number generator half Cauchy
rhalfnormRandom number generator half Normal
rhalftRandom number generator half Student-t
rkKernel density sampling function
rprop_loguProposal distribution for logU
rt_Random number generator non-standard Student-t
rtnormRandom number generator for a truncated normal distribution
salinitySalinity tolerance
summary.multNRMIS3 method for class 'multNRMI'
summary.NRMI1S3 method for class 'MixNRMI1'
summary.NRMI2S3 method for class 'MixNRMI2'
summary.PY1S3 method for class 'PY1'
summary.PY2S3 method for class 'PY2'
summarytextCommon text for the summary S3 methods
thresholdGGChoosing the truncation level for the NGG process
traceplotDraw a traceplot for multiple chains
BNPdensity documentation built on April 1, 2023, 12:10 a.m.