
Defines functions penalties.BTLLasso

penalties.BTLLasso <- function(Y, X = NULL, Z1 = NULL, Z2 = NULL, get.design = get.design,
  control = ctrl.BTLLasso()) {
  #### get arguments from responseBTLLasso object
  n <- Y$n
  m <- Y$m
  k <- Y$k
  q <- Y$q
  object.names <- Y$object.names
  #### extract all control arguments
  penalize.X <- control$penalize.X
  penalize.Z1.diffs <- control$penalize.Z1.diffs
  penalize.Z1.absolute <- control$penalize.Z1.absolute
  penalize.Z2 <- control$penalize.Z2
  penalize.intercepts <- control$penalize.intercepts
  include.intercepts <- control$include.intercepts
  order.effect <- control$order.effect
  object.order.effect <- control$object.order.effect
  penalize.order.effect.diffs <- control$penalize.order.effect.diffs
  penalize.order.effect.absolute <- control$penalize.order.effect.absolute
  ##  create which.pen vector for X
    if(all(penalize.X %in% get.design$vars.X)){
      which.pen.X <- rep(FALSE,get.design$p.X)
      which.pen.X[which(get.design$vars.X %in% penalize.X)] <- TRUE
      penalize.X <- TRUE
      stop("The argument penalize.X must either be logical or a character vector containing variable names of X which should be penalized!")
    which.pen.X <- rep(TRUE,get.design$p.X)

  ##  create which.pen vector for Z1 absolute
    if(all(penalize.Z1.absolute %in% get.design$vars.Z1)){
      which.pen.Z1.absolute <- rep(FALSE,get.design$p.Z1)
      which.pen.Z1.absolute[which(get.design$vars.Z1 %in% penalize.Z1.absolute)] <- TRUE
      penalize.Z1.absolute <- TRUE
      stop("The argument penalize.Z1.absolute must either be logical or a character vector containing variable names of Z1 which should be penalized with respect to absolute values!")
    which.pen.Z1.absolute <- rep(TRUE,get.design$p.Z1)
  ##  create which.pen vector for Z1 diffs
    if(all(penalize.Z1.diffs %in% get.design$vars.Z1)){
      which.pen.Z1.diffs <- rep(FALSE,get.design$p.Z1)
      which.pen.Z1.diffs[which(get.design$vars.Z1 %in% penalize.Z1.diffs)] <- TRUE
      penalize.Z1.diffs <- TRUE
      stop("The argument penalize.Z1.diffs must either be logical or a character vector containing variable names of Z1 which should be penalized with respect to absolute differences!")
    which.pen.Z1.diffs <- rep(TRUE,get.design$p.Z1)
  ##  create which.pen vector for Z2
    if(all(penalize.Z2 %in% get.design$vars.Z2)){
      which.pen.Z2 <- rep(FALSE,get.design$p.Z2)
      which.pen.Z2[which(get.design$vars.Z2 %in% penalize.Z2)] <- TRUE
      penalize.Z2 <- TRUE
      stop("The argument penalize.Z2 must either be logical or a character vector containing variable names of Z2 which should be penalized!")
    which.pen.Z2 <- rep(TRUE,get.design$p.Z2)
  ## number of intercepts
  n.intercepts <- 0
  par.names.intercepts <- c()
  if (include.intercepts) {
    n.intercepts <- m - 1
    par.names.intercepts <- object.names[1:(m - 1)]
  ## number of order effects
  n.order <- 0
  if (order.effect) {
    n.order <- 1
  if (object.order.effect) {
    n.order <- m
  #### create penalty matrices
  numpen.intercepts <- numpen.X <- numpen.Z1 <- numpen.Z2 <- numpen.order <- 0
  p.X <- p.Z1 <- p.Z2 <- 0
  ## penalty matrix for intercepts
  if (include.intercepts & penalize.intercepts) {
    acoefs.intercepts <- diag(m - 1)
    help.pen <- matrix(0, ncol = choose(m - 1, 2), nrow = m - 
    combis <- combn(m - 1, 2)
    for (ff in 1:ncol(combis)) {
      help.pen[combis[1, ff], ff] <- 1
      help.pen[combis[2, ff], ff] <- -1
    acoefs.intercepts <- cbind(acoefs.intercepts, help.pen)
    numpen.intercepts <- ncol(acoefs.intercepts)
  ## penalty matrix for X
  if (!is.null(X)) {
    p.X <- ncol(X)
    if (penalize.X) {
      acoefs.X <- diag(x = as.numeric(rep(which.pen.X,each=m-1)), p.X * (m - 1))
      help.pen <- help.pen2 <- matrix(0, ncol = choose(m - 1, 2), nrow = m - 
      combis <- combn(m - 1, 2)
      for (ff in 1:ncol(combis)) {
        help.pen[combis[1, ff], ff] <- 1
        help.pen[combis[2, ff], ff] <- -1
      for (pp in 1:p.X) {
        m.above <- matrix(rep(matrix(0, ncol = choose(m - 
          1, 2), nrow = m - 1), pp - 1), ncol = choose(m - 
          1, 2))
        m.below <- matrix(rep(matrix(0, ncol = choose(m - 
          1, 2), nrow = m - 1), p.X - pp), ncol = choose(m - 
          1, 2))
          acoefs.X <- cbind(acoefs.X, rbind(m.above, help.pen, 
          acoefs.X <- cbind(acoefs.X, rbind(m.above, help.pen2, 
      acoefs.X <- acoefs.X[,colSums(abs(acoefs.X))>0, drop = FALSE]
      numpen.X <- ncol(acoefs.X)
  ## penalty matrix for Z1
  if (!is.null(Z1)) {
    p.Z1 <- ncol(Z1)/m
    if (penalize.Z1.diffs | penalize.Z1.absolute) {
      acoefs.Z1 <- c()
      if (penalize.Z1.absolute) {
        acoefs.Z1 <- diag(x = as.numeric(rep(which.pen.Z1.absolute,each=m)), p.Z1 * m)
      if (penalize.Z1.diffs) {
        help.pen <- help.pen2 <- matrix(0, ncol = choose(m, 2), nrow = m)
        combis <- combn(m, 2)
        for (ff in 1:ncol(combis)) {
          help.pen[combis[1, ff], ff] <- 1
          help.pen[combis[2, ff], ff] <- -1
        for (pp in 1:p.Z1) {
          m.above <- matrix(rep(matrix(0, ncol = choose(m, 
          2), nrow = m), pp - 1), ncol = choose(m, 
          m.below <- matrix(rep(matrix(0, ncol = choose(m, 
          2), nrow = m), p.Z1 - pp), ncol = choose(m, 
            acoefs.Z1 <- cbind(acoefs.Z1, rbind(m.above, 
                                                help.pen, m.below))
            acoefs.Z1 <- cbind(acoefs.Z1, rbind(m.above, 
                                                help.pen2, m.below))
      acoefs.Z1 <- acoefs.Z1[,colSums(abs(acoefs.Z1))>0, drop = FALSE]
      numpen.Z1 <- ncol(acoefs.Z1)
  ## penalty matrix for Z2
  if (!is.null(Z2)) {
    p.Z2 <- ncol(Z2)/m
    if (penalize.Z2) {
      acoefs.Z2 <- diag(x = as.numeric(which.pen.Z2), p.Z2)
      acoefs.Z2 <- acoefs.Z2[,colSums(abs(acoefs.Z2))>0, drop = FALSE]
      numpen.Z2 <- ncol(acoefs.Z2)
  ## penalty matrix for order effects if global order effect
  if (order.effect & penalize.order.effect.absolute) {
    acoefs.order <- matrix(1, ncol = 1, nrow = 1)
    numpen.order <- 1
  #### if object-specific order effects
  if (object.order.effect & (penalize.order.effect.diffs | 
    penalize.order.effect.absolute)) {
    acoefs.order <- c()
    if (penalize.order.effect.absolute) {
      acoefs.order <- diag(m)
    if (penalize.order.effect.diffs) {
      help.pen <- matrix(0, ncol = choose(m, 2), nrow = m)
      combis <- combn(m, 2)
      for (ff in 1:ncol(combis)) {
        help.pen[combis[1, ff], ff] <- 1
        help.pen[combis[2, ff], ff] <- -1
      acoefs.order <- cbind(acoefs.order, help.pen)
    numpen.order <- ncol(acoefs.order)
  ## total number of penalty
  numpen <- numpen.intercepts + numpen.X + numpen.Z1 + numpen.Z2 + 
  ## initalize total penalty matrix
  acoefs <- matrix(0, ncol = numpen, nrow = n.intercepts + 
    p.X * (m - 1) + p.Z1 * m + p.Z2 + n.order)
  current.row <- 1
  current.col <- 1
  ## add penalties for order effects
  if (n.order > 0) {
    if (numpen.order > 0) {
      acoefs[current.row:(current.row + n.order - 1), current.col:(current.col + 
        numpen.order - 1)] <- acoefs.order
    current.row <- current.row + n.order
    current.col <- current.col + numpen.order
  ## add penalties for intercepts
  if (include.intercepts) {
    if (penalize.intercepts) {
      acoefs[current.row:(current.row + m - 2), current.col:(current.col + 
        numpen.intercepts - 1)] <- acoefs.intercepts
    current.row <- current.row + m - 1
    current.col <- current.col + numpen.intercepts
  ## add penalties for X
  if (!is.null(X)) {
    if (penalize.X) {
      acoefs[current.row:(current.row + p.X * (m - 1) - 
        1), current.col:(current.col + numpen.X - 1)] <- acoefs.X
    current.row <- current.row + p.X * (m - 1)
    current.col <- current.col + numpen.X
  ## add penalties for Z1
  if (!is.null(Z1)) {
    if (penalize.Z1.diffs | penalize.Z1.absolute) {
      acoefs[current.row:(current.row + p.Z1 * m - 1), 
        current.col:(current.col + numpen.Z1 - 1)] <- acoefs.Z1
    current.row <- current.row + p.Z1 * m
    current.col <- current.col + numpen.Z1
  ## add penalties for Z1
  if (!is.null(Z2)) {
    if (penalize.Z2) {
      acoefs[current.row:(current.row + p.Z2 - 1), current.col:(current.col + 
        numpen.Z2 - 1)] <- acoefs.Z2
    current.row <- current.row + p.Z2
    current.col <- current.col + numpen.Z2
  ## additional rows for thetas, thetas (thresholds) are never
  ## penalized
  acoefs <- rbind(matrix(0, nrow = floor(q/2), ncol = ncol(acoefs)), 
  RET <- list(acoefs = acoefs, numpen.intercepts = numpen.intercepts, 
    numpen.X = numpen.X, numpen.Z1 = numpen.Z1, numpen.Z2 = numpen.Z2, 
    numpen.order = numpen.order, n.order = n.order, p.X = p.X, 
    p.Z1 = p.Z1, p.Z2 = p.Z2, weight.penalties = control$weight.penalties)

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BTLLasso documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:57 a.m.