Man pages for BVAR
Hierarchical Bayesian Vector Autoregression

bvarHierarchical Bayesian vector autoregression
BVAR-packageBVAR: Hierarchical Bayesian vector autoregression
bv_dummyDummy prior settings
bv_fcastForecast settings
bv_irfImpulse response settings and identification
bv_metropolisMetropolis-Hastings settings
bv_minnesotaMinnesota prior settings
bv_priorsPrior settings
codaMethods for 'coda' Markov chain Monte Carlo objects
coef.bvarCoefficient and VCOV methods for Bayesian VARs
companionRetrieve companion matrix from a Bayesian VAR
density.bvarDensity methods for Bayesian VARs
fitted.bvarFitted and residual methods for Bayesian VARs
fred_qdFRED-MD and FRED-QD: Databases for Macroeconomic Research
fred_transformFRED transformation and subset helper
irf.bvarImpulse response and forecast error methods for Bayesian VARs
logLik.bvarLog-Likelihood method for Bayesian VARs
par_bvarParallel hierarchical Bayesian vector autoregression
plot.bvarPlotting method for Bayesian VARs
plot.bvar_fcastPlotting method for Bayesian VAR predictions
plot.bvar_irfPlotting method for Bayesian VAR impulse responses
predict.bvarPredict method for Bayesian VARs
summary.bvarSummary method for Bayesian VARs
BVAR documentation built on March 31, 2023, 11:59 p.m.