bv_metropolis: Metropolis-Hastings settings

View source: R/30_metropolis_setup.R

bv_metropolisR Documentation

Metropolis-Hastings settings


Function to provide settings for the Metropolis-Hastings step in bvar. Options include scaling the inverse Hessian that is used to draw parameter proposals and automatic scaling to achieve certain acceptance rates.


  scale_hess = 0.01,
  adjust_acc = FALSE,
  adjust_burn = 0.75,
  acc_lower = 0.25,
  acc_upper = 0.45,
  acc_change = 0.01

  scale_hess = 0.01,
  adjust_acc = FALSE,
  adjust_burn = 0.75,
  acc_lower = 0.25,
  acc_upper = 0.45,
  acc_change = 0.01



Numeric scalar or vector. Scaling parameter, determining the range of hyperparameter draws. Should be calibrated so a reasonable acceptance rate is reached. If provided as vector the length must equal the number of hyperparameters (one per variable for psi).


Logical scalar. Whether or not to further scale the variability of parameter draws during the burn-in phase.


Numeric scalar. How much of the burn-in phase should be used to scale parameter variability. See Details.

acc_lower, acc_upper

Numeric scalar. Lower (upper) bound of the target acceptance rate. Required if adjust_acc is set to TRUE.


Numeric scalar. Percent change applied to the Hessian matrix for tuning acceptance rate. Required if adjust_acc is set to TRUE.


Note that adjustment of the acceptance rate by scaling the parameter draw variability can only be done during the burn-in phase, as otherwise the resulting draws do not feature the desirable properties of a Markov chain. After the parameter draws have been scaled, some additional draws should be burnt.


Returns a named list of class bv_metropolis with options for bvar.


# Increase the scaling parameter
bv_mh(scale_hess = 1)

# Turn on automatic scaling of the acceptance rate to [20%, 40%]
bv_mh(adjust_acc = TRUE, acc_lower = 0.2, acc_upper = 0.4)

# Increase the rate of automatic scaling
bv_mh(adjust_acc = TRUE, acc_lower = 0.2, acc_upper = 0.4, acc_change = 0.1)

# Use only 50% of the burn-in phase to adjust scaling
bv_mh(adjust_acc = TRUE, adjust_burn = 0.5)

BVAR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:34 a.m.