Man pages for BaMORC
Bayesian Model Optimized Reference Correction Method for Assigned and Unassigned Protein NMR Spectra

AA57OLMatrixOverlapping Matrix for 57 amino acid and secondary structure...
AA57OLWeightsOverlapping weights for 57 amino acid and secondary structure...
aaCodes1Letter19Single-letter amino acid naming convention.
aaCodes1Letter20Single-letter amino acid naming convention.
aaCodes3Letter1stCapThree-letter amino acid naming convention with first letter...
aaCodes3LetterAllCap.vThree-letter amino acid naming convention with all letters...
aaFreqPre-defined amino acid frequency data.
AvgCov.tAverage covariance across three secondary structures for all...
bamorcCalculates the referencing correction value.
calculate_aa_probCalculates an amino acid typing probability.
calculate_chi_squared_statCalculates a chi squared statistic(s).
calculate_mseCalculates mean squared error
calculate_rcfCalculates the relative cumulative frequency for amino acid...
CAMuTableMean chemical shift values for alpha carbon .
CarbonCov.tCovariance values of chemical shifts of alpha and beta...
CASdTableStandard deviation of chemical shift values for alpha carbon...
CBMuTableMean chemical shift values for beta carbon .
CBSdTableStandard deviation of chemical shift values for beta carbon .
chemicalShiftsPre-defined sample chemical shifts data.
cnameAll the amino acids and secondary structures combinations for...
IDRefDB ID included in the BaMORC package.
jpred_fetcherUsing JPred Mass-submission scheduler program to submit...
read_db_file'read_db_file()' reads in data from existing database that...
read_nmrstar_fileExtracts data from BMRB STAR 3.0 file. 'read_nmrstar_file()'...
read_raw_fileExtracts data from a protein NMR experimental peak list....
RefDB_dataRefDB object
RefDB.StatCAStatistics of chemical shifts values of alpha carbons from...
RefDB.StatCBStatistics of chemical shifts values of beta carbons from...
unassigned_bamorcCalculates the referencing correction value for unassigned...
BaMORC documentation built on May 1, 2019, 6:35 p.m.