RefDB_data: RefDB object

Description Usage Format Details


Collection of data from Re-referenced Protein Chemical shift Database (RefDB) and their access functions.




A class contains 1557 13C datasets and access functions.



data set of 19 amino acid single-letter naming convention (excluding glycine)


data set (list) of all 1557 RefDB carbon 13 raw data pre-processed in data frame format


data set (list) of all 1557 RefDB carbon 13 raw data pre-processed in data frame format with NA removed


data set (list) of all 1557 RefDB carbon 13 raw data pre-processed in data frame format with NA, glycine and undetermined secondary structure elements removed


data set of all 1557 RefDB IDs

$getData(index = NA, ID = NA, type = "raw")

function that return single dataset, (index or ID, only one is allowed)

  • index. the index of the dataset

  • ID. the RefDB ID number of the dataset

  • type what kind of data will be fetched. "raw": returns raw data; "datatable": return data in data frame format; "rmNA": return data with NA removed; "rmGU: return data with NA, glycine and undetermined secondary structure elements removed

$getFreq(index = NA, ID = NA)

function that return amino acid relative cumulative frequency for each data set (index or ID, only one is allowed)

$getSecStr(index = NA, ID = NA)

function that return secondary structure information for each data set (index or ID, only one is allowed)

$getSequence(index = NA, ID = NA)

function that return protein sequence information for each data set (index or ID, only one is allowed)


the data set contains all the raw data from RefDB

BaMORC documentation built on May 1, 2019, 6:35 p.m.