Man pages for BaSTA
Age-Specific Survival Analysis from Incomplete Capture-Recapture/Recovery Data

bastaParametric Bayesian estimation of age-specific survival for...
BaSTA-packageBaSTA: a package for parametric Bayesian estimation of...
CensusToCaptHistConstructs capture-history matrix from census matrix to be...
DataCheckA function to check the input data file for a Bayesian...
MakeCovMatFunction to build a matrix of covariates (i.e. design matrix)...
MakeLifeTableA function for calculating standard cohort-based life tables...
multibastaFunction to run multiple BaSTA models on the same dataset.
sim1Simulated dataset to demonstrate Bayesian Survival Trajectory...
sim1OutOutput from a Bayesian Survival Trajectory Analysis (BaSTA)...
summary.bastaSummarizing and plotting Bayesian Survival Trajectory...
BaSTA documentation built on Oct. 5, 2022, 5:06 p.m.