Man pages for BayesRGMM
Bayesian Robust Generalized Mixed Models for Longitudinal Data

AR1.corAR(1) correlation matrix
BayesCumulativeProbitHSDPerform MCMC algorithm to generate the posterior samples for...
BayesRobustProbitPerform MCMC algorithm to generate the posterior samples
BayesRobustProbitSummaryTo summarizes model estimation outcomes
CorrMat.HSDTo compute the correlation matrix in terms of hypersphere...
GSPSThe German socioeconomic panel study data
SimulatedDataGeneratorGenerate simulated data with either ARMA or MCD correlation...
SimulatedDataGenerator.CumulativeProbitSimulating a longitudinal ordinal data with HSD correlation...
BayesRGMM documentation built on May 10, 2022, 5:12 p.m.