
Defines functions randNormal randMultinomial randBinomial randVecExponential randExponential randIntUniform randLogU01 randU01 BayesSUR_internal

Documented in BayesSUR_internal

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#' @title BayesSUR_internal
#' @description
#' Run a SUR Bayesian sampler -- internal function
#' @name BayesSUR_internal
#' @param dataFile path to data file
#' @param outFilePath path to where the output is to be written
#' @param nIter number of iterations
#' @param nChains number of parallel chains to run

BayesSUR_internal <- function(dataFile, mrfGFile, blockFile, structureGraphFile, hyperParFile, outFilePath, nIter = 10L, burnin = 0L, nChains = 1L, covariancePrior = "HIW", gammaPrior = "hotspot", gammaSampler = "bandit", gammaInit = "MLE", betaPrior = "independent", maxThreads = 1L, tick = 1000L, output_gamma = TRUE, output_beta = TRUE, output_Gy = TRUE, output_sigmaRho = TRUE, output_pi = TRUE, output_tail = TRUE, output_model_size = TRUE, output_CPO = TRUE, output_model_visit = FALSE) {
    .Call('_BayesSUR_BayesSUR_internal', PACKAGE = 'BayesSUR', dataFile, mrfGFile, blockFile, structureGraphFile, hyperParFile, outFilePath, nIter, burnin, nChains, covariancePrior, gammaPrior, gammaSampler, gammaInit, betaPrior, maxThreads, tick, output_gamma, output_beta, output_Gy, output_sigmaRho, output_pi, output_tail, output_model_size, output_CPO, output_model_visit)

randU01 <- function() {
    .Call('_BayesSUR_randU01', PACKAGE = 'BayesSUR')

randLogU01 <- function() {
    .Call('_BayesSUR_randLogU01', PACKAGE = 'BayesSUR')

randIntUniform <- function(a, b) {
    .Call('_BayesSUR_randIntUniform', PACKAGE = 'BayesSUR', a, b)

randExponential <- function(lambda) {
    .Call('_BayesSUR_randExponential', PACKAGE = 'BayesSUR', lambda)

randVecExponential <- function(n, lambda) {
    .Call('_BayesSUR_randVecExponential', PACKAGE = 'BayesSUR', n, lambda)

randBinomial <- function(n, p) {
    .Call('_BayesSUR_randBinomial', PACKAGE = 'BayesSUR', n, p)

randMultinomial <- function(n, prob) {
    .Call('_BayesSUR_randMultinomial', PACKAGE = 'BayesSUR', n, prob)

randNormal <- function(m = 0., sigmaSquare = 1.) {
    .Call('_BayesSUR_randNormal', PACKAGE = 'BayesSUR', m, sigmaSquare)

randVecNormal <- function(n, m = 0., sigmaSquare = 1.) {
    .Call('_BayesSUR_randVecNormal', PACKAGE = 'BayesSUR', n, m, sigmaSquare)

randT <- function(nu) {
    .Call('_BayesSUR_randT', PACKAGE = 'BayesSUR', nu)

randVecT <- function(n, nu) {
    .Call('_BayesSUR_randVecT', PACKAGE = 'BayesSUR', n, nu)

randMvT <- function(nu, m, Sigma) {
    .Call('_BayesSUR_randMvT', PACKAGE = 'BayesSUR', nu, m, Sigma)

randGamma <- function(shape, scale) {
    .Call('_BayesSUR_randGamma', PACKAGE = 'BayesSUR', shape, scale)

randIGamma <- function(shape, scale) {
    .Call('_BayesSUR_randIGamma', PACKAGE = 'BayesSUR', shape, scale)

randWishart <- function(df, S) {
    .Call('_BayesSUR_randWishart', PACKAGE = 'BayesSUR', df, S)

randBeta <- function(a, b) {
    .Call('_BayesSUR_randBeta', PACKAGE = 'BayesSUR', a, b)

randBernoulli <- function(pi) {
    .Call('_BayesSUR_randBernoulli', PACKAGE = 'BayesSUR', pi)

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BayesSUR documentation built on June 30, 2024, 9:06 a.m.