
#' @title Simulated data set to mimic a small expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) example
#' @description
#' Simulated data set to mimic a small expression quantitative trait loci 
#' (eQTL) example, with p=150 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) as 
#' explanatory variables, s=10 gene expression features as response variables 
#' and data for n=100 observations. Loading the data will load the associated 
#' blockList object needed to fit the model with BayesSUR(). The R code for 
#' generating the simulated data is given in the Examples paragraph.
#' #importFrom BDgraph rgwish
#' #importFrom gRbase mcsMAT
#' #importFrom scrime simulateSNPs
#' @examples
#' # Load the eQTL sample dataset
#' data("exampleEQTL", package = "BayesSUR")
#' str(exampleEQTL)
#' \dontrun{
#' # ===============
#' # The code below is to show how to generate the dataset "exampleEQTL.rda" above
#' # ===============
#' requireNamespace("BDgraph", quietly = TRUE)
#' requireNamespace("gRbase", quietly = TRUE)
#' requireNamespace("scrime", quietly = TRUE)
#' ########################### Problem Dimensions
#' n <- 100
#' p <- 150
#' s <- 10
#' ############################ Select a set of n x p (SNPs) covariates
#' ## The synthetic data in the paper use a subset of the real SNPs as covariates,
#' # but as the NFBC66 dataset is confidential we'll use scrime to sample similar data
#' x <- scrime::simulateSNPs(c(n, 10), p, c(3, 2), prop.explain = c(0.9, 0.95))$data[1:n, ]
#' x <- cbind(rep(1, n), x)
#' ####################################################################
#' graph_pattern <- 2
#' snr <- 25
#' corr_param <- 0.9
#' ### Create the underlying graph
#' if (graph_pattern == 1) {
#'   ### 1) Random but full
#'   G <- matrix(1, s, s)
#'   Prime <- list(c(1:s))
#'   Res <- Prime
#'   Sep <- list()
#' } else if (graph_pattern == 2) {
#'   ### 2) Block Diagonal structure
#'   Prime <- list(
#'     c(1:floor(s * 2 / 3)),
#'     c((floor(s * 2 / 3) + 1):(ceiling(s * 4 / 5) - 1)),
#'     c(ceiling(s * 4 / 5):s)
#'   )
#'   Res <- Prime
#'   Sep <- lapply(Res, function(x) which(x == -99))
#'   G <- matrix(0, s, s)
#'   for (i in Prime) {
#'     G[i, i] <- 1
#'   }
#' } else if (graph_pattern == 3) {
#'   ### 3) Decomposable model
#'   Prime <- list(
#'     c(1:floor(s * 5 / 12), ceiling(s * 9 / 10):s),
#'     c(floor(s * 2 / 9):(ceiling(s * 2 / 3) - 1)),
#'     c(ceiling(s * 2 / 3):(ceiling(s * 4 / 5) - 1)),
#'     c(ceiling(s * 4 / 5):s)
#'   )
#'   Sep <- list()
#'   H <- list()
#'   for (i in 2:length(Prime)) {
#'     H <- union(H, Prime[[i - 1]])
#'     Sep[[i - 1]] <- intersect(H, Prime[[i]])
#'   }
#'   Res <- list()
#'   Res[[1]] <- Prime[[1]]
#'   for (i in 2:length(Prime)) {
#'     Res[[i]] <- setdiff(Prime[[i]], Sep[[i - 1]])
#'   }
#'   G <- matrix(0, s, s)
#'   for (i in Prime) {
#'     G[i, i] <- 1
#'   }
#'   ## decomp check
#'   dimnames(G) <- list(1:s, 1:s)
#'   length(gRbase::mcsMAT(G - diag(s))) > 0
#' } else if (graph_pattern == 4) {
#'   ### 4) Non-decomposable model
#'   nblocks <- 5
#'   nElemPerBlock <- c(
#'     floor(s / 4), floor(s / 2) - 1 - floor(s / 4),
#'     ceiling(s * 2 / 3) - 1 - floor(s / 2), 7
#'   )
#'   nElemPerBlock <- c(nElemPerBlock, s - sum(nElemPerBlock))
#'   res <- 1:s
#'   blockIdx <- list()
#'   for (i in 1:nblocks) {
#'     # blockIdx[[i]] = sample(res,nElemPerBlock[i])
#'     blockIdx[[i]] <- res[1:nElemPerBlock[i]]
#'     res <- setdiff(res, blockIdx[[i]])
#'   }
#'   G <- matrix(0, s, s)
#'   ## add diagonal
#'   for (i in 1:nblocks) {
#'     G[blockIdx[[i]], blockIdx[[i]]] <- 1
#'   }
#'   ## add cycle
#'   G[blockIdx[[1]], blockIdx[[2]]] <- 1
#'   G[blockIdx[[2]], blockIdx[[1]]] <- 1
#'   G[blockIdx[[1]], blockIdx[[5]]] <- 1
#'   G[blockIdx[[5]], blockIdx[[1]]] <- 1
#'   G[blockIdx[[2]], blockIdx[[3]]] <- 1
#'   G[blockIdx[[3]], blockIdx[[2]]] <- 1
#'   G[blockIdx[[3]], blockIdx[[5]]] <- 1
#'   G[blockIdx[[5]], blockIdx[[3]]] <- 1
#'   ## decomp check
#'   dimnames(G) <- list(1:s, 1:s)
#'   length(gRbase::mcsMAT(G - diag(s))) > 0
#'   # Prime = blockIdx
#'   Res <- blockIdx ## this is not correct but not used in the non-decomp case
#' }
#' ### Gamma Pattern
#' gamma <- matrix(0, p + 1, s)
#' gamma[1, ] <- 1
#' ### 2) Extra Patterns
#' ## outcomes (correlated in the decomp model) have some predictors in common
#' gamma[6:10, 6:9] <- 1
#' ## outcomes (correlated in the decomp model) have some predictors in common
#' # gamma[16:20,14:15] = 1
#' ## outcomes (sort-of correlated [pair-wise] in the decomp model)
#' # have predictors in common 6:15
#' gamma[26:30, 4:8] <- 1
#' ## outcomes (NOT correlated in the decomp model) have predictors in common 16:17
#' gamma[36:40, c(3:5, 9:10)] <- 1
#' ## these predictors are associated with ALL the outcomes
#' gamma[46:50, ] <- 1
#' combn11 <- combn(rep((6:9 - 1) * p, each = length(6:10 - 1)) + rep(6:10 - 1, 
#'                   times = length(6:9)), 2)
#' combn31 <- combn(rep((4:8 - 1) * p, each = length(26:30 - 1)) + rep(26:30 - 1, 
#'                   times = length(4:8)), 2)
#' combn32 <- combn(rep((4:8 - 1) * p, each = length(46:50 - 1)) + rep(46:50 - 1, 
#'                   times = length(4:8)), 2)
#' combn41 <- combn(rep((3:5 - 1) * p, each = length(36:40 - 1)) + rep(36:40 - 1, 
#'                   times = length(3:5)), 2)
#' combn42 <- combn(rep((3:5 - 1) * p, each = length(46:50 - 1)) + rep(46:50 - 1, 
#'                   times = length(3:5)), 2)
#' combn51 <- combn(rep((9:10 - 1) * p, each = length(36:40 - 1)) + rep(36:40 - 1, 
#'                   times = length(9:10)), 2)
#' combn52 <- combn(rep((9:10 - 1) * p, each = length(46:50 - 1)) + rep(46:50 - 1, 
#'                   times = length(9:10)), 2)
#' Gmrf <- rbind(t(combn11), t(combn31), t(combn32), t(combn41), t(combn42), t(combn51), t(combn52))
#' ## get for every correlated bunch in the decomposable model,
#' if (graph_pattern < 4) {
#'   # a different set of predictors
#'   for (i in 1:length(Prime)) {
#'     gamma[6:10 + (i + 6) * 10, Prime[[i]]] <- 1
#'   } ## for each Prime component
#'   ## for every Residual instead
#'   for (i in 1:length(Res)) {
#'     gamma[6:10 + (i + 10) * 10, Res[[i]]] <- 1
#'   }
#' } else {
#'   for (i in 1:length(Prime)) {
#'     gamma[6:10 + (i + 4) * 10, Prime[[i]]] <- 1
#'   } ## for each Prime component
#'   ## for every Residual instead
#'   for (i in 1:length(Res)) {
#'     gamma[6:10 + (i + 9) * 10, Res[[i]]] <- 1
#'   }
#' }
#' #### Sample the betas
#' sd_b <- 1
#' b <- matrix(rnorm((p + 1) * s, 0, sd_b), p + 1, s)
#' xb <- matrix(NA, n, s)
#' for (i in 1:s) {
#'   if (sum(gamma[, i]) > 1) {
#'     xb[, i] <- x[, gamma[, i] == 1] %*% b[gamma[, i] == 1, i]
#'   } else {
#'     xb[, i] <- rep(1, n) * b[1, i]
#'   }
#' }
#' ## Sample the variance
#' v_r <- mean(diag(var(xb))) / snr
#' nu <- s + 1
#' M <- matrix(corr_param, s, s)
#' diag(M) <- rep(1, s)
#' P <- BDgraph::rgwish(n = 1, adj = G, b = 3, D = v_r * M)
#' var <- solve(P)
#' factor <- 10
#' factor_min <- 0.01
#' factor_max <- 1000
#' count <- 0
#' maxit <- 10000
#' factor_prev <- 1
#' repeat{
#'   var <- var / factor * factor_prev
#'   ### Sample the errors and the Ys
#'   cVar <- chol(as.matrix(var))
#'   # err = matrix(rnorm(n*s),n,s) %*% cVar
#'   err <- matrix(rnorm(n * s, sd = 0.5), n, s) %*% cVar
#'   y <- xb + err
#'   ## Reparametrisation ( assuming PEO is 1:s )
#'   cVar <- t(cVar) # make it lower-tri
#'   S <- diag(diag(cVar))
#'   sigma <- S * S
#'   L <- cVar %*% solve(S)
#'   rho <- diag(s) - solve(L)
#'   ### S/N Ratio
#'   emp_snr <- mean(diag(var(xb) %*% solve(sigma)))
#'   emp_g_snr <- mean(diag(var((err) %*% t(rho)) %*% solve(sigma)))
#'   ##############
#'   if (abs(emp_snr - snr) < (snr / 10) | count > maxit) {
#'     break
#'   } else {
#'     if (emp_snr < snr) { # increase factor
#'       factor_min <- factor
#'     } else { # decrease factor
#'       factor_max <- factor
#'     }
#'     factor_prev <- factor
#'     factor <- (factor_min + factor_max) / 2
#'   }
#'   count <- count + 1
#' }
#' #################
#' colnames(y) <- paste("GEX", 1:ncol(y), sep = "")
#' colnames(G) <- colnames(y)
#' Gy <- G
#' gamma <- gamma[-1, ]
#' mrfG <- Gmrf[!duplicated(Gmrf), ]
#' data <- cbind(y, x[, -1]) # leave out the intercept because is coded inside already
#' exampleEQTL <- list(data = data, blockList = list(1:s, s + 1:p))
#' ## Write data file to the user's directory by save()
#' }

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