
Defines functions BchronRSL.BchronologyRun BchronRSL

Documented in BchronRSL

#' Relative sea level rate (RSL) estimation
#' @param BchronologyRun Output from a run of \code{\link{Bchronology}}
#' @param RSLmean A vector of RSL mean estimates of the same length as the number of predictPositions given to the \code{\link{Bchronology}} function
#' @param RSLsd A vector RSL standard deviations of the same length as the number of predictPositions given to the \code{\link{Bchronology}} function
#' @param degree The degree of the polynomial regression: linear=1 (default), quadratic=2, etc. Supports up to degree 5, though this will depend on the data given
#' @param iterations The number of MCMC iterations to run
#' @param burn The number of starting iterations to discard
#' @param thin The step size of iterations to discard
#' @details
#' This function fits an errors-in-variables regression model to relative sea level (RSL) data. An errors-in-variables regression model allows for uncertainty in the explanatory variable, here the age of sea level data point. The algorithm is more fully defined in the reference below
#' @return An object of class BchronRSLRun with elements
#' itemize{
#' \item{BchronologyRun}{The output from the run of \code{\link{Bchronology}}}
#' \item{samples}{The posterior samples of the regression parameters}
#' \item{degree}{The degree of the polynomial regression}
#' \item{RSLmean}{The RSL mean values given to the function}
#' \item{RSLsd}{The RSL standard deviations as given to the function}
#' \item{const}{The mean of the predicted age values. Used to standardise the design matrix and avoid computational issues}
#' }
#' @references
#' Andrew C. Parnell and W. Roland Gehrels (2013) 'Using chronological models in late holocene sea level reconstructions from salt marsh sediments' In: I. Shennan, B.P. Horton, and A.J. Long (eds). Handbook of Sea Level Research. Chichester: Wiley
#' @seealso \code{\link{BchronCalibrate}}, \code{\link{Bchronology}}, \code{\link{BchronDensity}}, \code{\link{BchronDensityFast}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Load in data
#' data(TestChronData)
#' data(TestRSLData)
#' # Run through Bchronology
#' RSLrun <- with(TestChronData, Bchronology(
#'   ages = ages,
#'   ageSds = ageSds,
#'   positions = position,
#'   positionThicknesses = thickness,
#'   ids = id,
#'   calCurves = calCurves,
#'   predictPositions = TestRSLData$Depth
#' ))
#' # Now run through BchronRSL
#' RSLrun2 <- BchronRSL(RSLrun, RSLmean = TestRSLData$RSL, RSLsd = TestRSLData$Sigma, degree = 3)
#' # Summarise it
#' summary(RSLrun2)
#' # Plot it
#' plot(RSLrun2)
#' }
BchronRSL <- function(BchronologyRun, RSLmean, RSLsd, degree = 1, iterations = 10000, burn = 2000, thin = 8) {

#' @export
BchronRSL.BchronologyRun <- function(BchronologyRun, RSLmean, RSLsd, degree = 1, iterations = 10000, burn = 2000, thin = 8) {
  if (degree > 5) stop("Degree not supported")
  remaining <- (iterations - burn) / thin
  betaStore <- matrix(NA, ncol = degree + 1, nrow = remaining)
  y <- matrix(RSLmean, ncol = 1)
  Q <- diag(1 / ((RSLsd)^2))
  N <- nrow(y)
  chrons <- BchronologyRun$thetaPredict / 1000
  whichrows <- sample(1:nrow(chrons), iterations, replace = TRUE)
  degmat <- matrix(rep(0:(degree), each = N), nrow = N, ncol = degree + 1)
  const <- mean(as.matrix(chrons))
  pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = iterations, style = 3, width = 60, title = "Running BchronRSL")
  for (i in 1:iterations) {
    utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
    if (i %% 20 == 0 | i == 1) {
      currchron <- chrons[whichrows[i], ] - const
      X <- matrix(rep(as.numeric(currchron), degree + 1), ncol = degree + 1)
      X <- X^degmat
    # Sample a beta
    if (i %% thin == 0 & i > burn) {
      betaStore[(i - burn) / thin, ] <- matrix(MASS::mvrnorm(1, solve(t(X) %*% Q %*% X, t(X) %*% Q %*% y), solve(t(X) %*% Q %*% X)), ncol = 1)

  out <- list(BchronologyRun = BchronologyRun, samples = betaStore, degree = degree, RSLmean = RSLmean, RSLsd = RSLsd, const = const)
  class(out) <- "BchronRSLRun"

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Bchron documentation built on June 10, 2021, 9:10 a.m.