
Defines functions exactcp

Documented in exactcp

#'Conditional power computation using exact test.
#'Compute conditional power of single-arm group sequential design with binary
#'endpoint based on binomial distribution.
#'Conditional power quantifies the conditional probability of crossing the upper bound given the interim result \eqn{z_i},
#'\eqn{1\le i<K}. Having inherited sample sizes and boundaries from \code{\link{exactdesign}} or \code{\link{exactprob}},
#'given the interim statistic at \eqn{i}th analysis \eqn{z_i}, the conditional power is defined as
#'\eqn{\alpha _{i,K}(p|z_i)=P_{p}(Z_K\ge u_K, Z_{K-1}>l_{K-1}, \ldots, Z_{i+1}>l_{i+1}|Z_i=z_i)}
#'With exact test, the test statistic at analysis \eqn{k} is \eqn{Z_k=\sum_{s=1}^{n_k}X_s}
#'which follows binomial distribution \eqn{b(n_k,p)}. Actually, \eqn{Z_k} is the total
#'number of responses up to the kth analysis.
#'The increment statistic \eqn{Z_k-Z_{k-1}} also follows a binomial distribution \eqn{b(n_k-n_{k-1},p)} independently
#'of \eqn{Z_{1}, \ldots, Z_{k-1}}. Then the conditional power can be easily obtained using the same procedure
#'for deriving unconditional boundary crossing probabilities.
#'Note that \eqn{Z_{1}, \ldots, Z_{K}} is a non-decreasing sequence, thus the conditional power is 1 when the interim statistic
#' \eqn{z_i>=u_K}.
#'@param d An object of the class exactdesign or exactprob.
#'@param p_1 A scalar or vector representing response rate or probability of
#'  success under the alternative hypothesis. The value(s) should be within
#'  (p_0,1).
#'@param i Index of the analysis at which the interim statistic is given. Should
#'  be an integer ranges from 1 to K-1. i will be rounded to its nearest whole
#'  value if it is not an integer.
#'@param z_i The interim statistic at analysis i.
#'@return A list with the elements as follows: \itemize{ \item{K: As in d.}
#'  \item{n.I: As in d.} \item{u_K: As in d.} \item{lowerbounds: As in d.}
#'  \item{i: i used in computation.} \item{z_i: As input.} \item{cp: A matrix of
#'  conditional powers under different response rates.} \item{p_1: As input.}
#'  \item{p_0: As input.} }
#'@section Reference: \itemize{ \item{Christopher Jennison, Bruce W. Turnbull. Group Sequential Methods with
#'  Applications to Clinical Trials. Chapman and Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL, 2000.} }
#'@seealso \code{\link{exactprob}}, \code{\link{asymcp}},
#'  \code{\link{exactdesign}}.
#' @examples
 ##check validity of inputs
    stop("exactcp must be called with class of either exactdesign or exactprob.")
    stop('Please input p_1 that lies between p_0 and 1 (not including p_0 and 1).')
    stop('i is less than 1 or more than K-1.')
    stop('invalid interim statistic: too large or too small.')
 K=d$K-i  ##the no. of analysis after the ith analysis.
 n.I=(d$n.I)[i:(i+K)]  ##sample sizes for i,i+1,...,K analysis
 lowerbounds=(d$lowerbounds)[(i+1):(i+K)]  ##lower bounds for i+1,i+2,...K analysis.
 lowerbounds=lowerbounds-z_i  ##new lower bounds for Z_{i,j}
 cp=matrix(0,1+length(p_1),1) ##to store conditional power under different p

 ##if z_i is euqal to or greater than u_K, cp is 1.

 ##if z_i is greater than one or some of the lower bounds.
     lowerbounds[1:max(index1)]=-1 #make these lower bounds equalling -1 so that the trial will continue even with 0 newly occurred events.

 #conditional power under H0
 cp[1,]=exactprob1(n.I,lowerbounds,p_0,K,K)$phi ##cp under H0

 ##conditional power under H1.
 for(s in 1:length(p_1)){
    cp[(s+1),]=exactprob1(n.I,lowerbounds,p_1[s],K,K)$phi ##cp under H0


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BinGSD documentation built on Oct. 30, 2019, 5:07 p.m.