Fst: Calculates the Fst from the conditional kinship matrix

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Note Author(s) References Examples


Calculates the Fst from a conditional kinship matrix.


Fst(rval, N)



is a conditional kinship matrix, normally obtained by the functions 'R' and 'rel.cond' in the Biodem library.


the vector of effective populations size, nominally obtained by dividing the total population size by three. Starting form surname data, effective population size coincides with the number of marriages


The use of the Fst function follows Harpending and Jenkins 1974, and Jorde 1982. It gives an estimate of Wright's Fst, which is a measure of between-subdivision genetic heterogeneity.


Fst returns one numeric value.




Federico C. F. Calboli f.calboli@gmail.com


Harpending, H. C. and T. jenkins. 1974. !Kung population structure. In: J. F. Crow and C. F. Denniston (eds.), Genetic distance, pp 137-161. Plenum Press, NY.

Jorde, L. B. 1982. The genetic structure of the Utah mormons: migration analysis. Human Biology 54(3): 583-597.


# Swedlund data again...
data(P); data(S); data(N)
# starting with how many cycles to equilibrium
# calculation of phi
# calculation of the conditional kinship matrix
# finally! we get the Fst value

# starting from a raw marriage records dataset:
tot <- sur.freq(valley,valley$PAR,valley$SURM,valley$SURF)
tot # a frequency table calculated above all the surnames
iso.matrix <- uri(tot)
iso.matrix # an unbiased random isonymy matrix
reg <- rri(tot)
reg # a coefficient of unbiased Regional Random Isonymy
kin.cond <- rel.cond(iso.matrix,reg)
kin.cond # a conditional kinship matrix
N <- colSums(tot) # effective population size

Example output

[1,] 0.0002614661
                 1  2  3  4
  AGOSTI         0  1  0  0
  ALBASINI       0  4  0  0
  ALBERTI        0  1  0  0
  AMBROSI        1  0  0  0
  ANGELI         0  5  0  1
  ARMANI         0  0  0  1
  BARBETTI       1  0 15  0
  BEGNUDELLI     0  1  0  0
  BELFANTI       0 12  0  0
  BERGAGNINI     0  1  0  0
  BERNARDELLI    0 32  0  0
  BERTOLAS       0  1  0  0
  BEVILACQUA     3  1  1  3
  BEZZI          1  1  0  0
  BISOFFI        0  1  0  0
  BONAN          1  0  0  0
  BONAPOZZA      0  1  0  0
  BONETTI        0  4  0  1
  BONI           0  1  1  1
  BONTEMPELLI    0  2  1  0
  BORGA          0  1  0  0
  BORONI         0 11  0  0
  BORTOLAMEOLLI 35  0  1  0
  BORTOLOTTO     0  1  0  0
  BORZATTI       0 12  0  0
  BOSINELLI      0  0  0  1
  BOSINI         0  0  2  0
  BOTTEA         0  2  0  0
  BOZZETTA       0  1  0  0
  BRAJONI        0  0  0  1
  BRESADOLA      3  1  1 69
  BRIANI         0  1  0  0
  BRUSACORAM     0 21  0  0
  CABONETTI      0  5  0  0
  CARNESALINI    0  6  0  0
  CASANOVA       0  0  0  1
  CASEROTTI      0  0  0  3
  CASNA          0  0  0  1
  CAVALLAR       0 12  5  0
  CAZZUFFI       0  1  0  0
  CHIESA         0  0  0  1
  CHINI          0  0  0  1
  CIPRIANI       0  1  0  0
  CLASER         0 18  0  0
  COGOLI         2  0  0  1
  COMENOLI       0  0  1  0
  CONTA          0  6  0  1
  COSI           0  1  0  0
  COSTANZI       0  2  0  0
  COVA           0  0  0  1
  DALDOSS        1  0  0  0
  DALLAGO        1  0  0  0
  DALLASERRA     0  0 11  1
  DALLATORRE     1  7 49  1
  DALLAVALLE     0  0  1  0
  DALLECASE      0  1  0  0
  DALPEZ         0  0  1  0
  DALPIAZ        0  0  1  0
  DAPRA'         1  4  3  6
  DELL'EVA       0  2  0  0
  DELPERO        0  0  0  1
  DI PIETRO      0  0  0  1
  DOLFI          0  0  1  0
  DOLZANI        0  2  0  0
  DONATI         0 11  0  1
  ECCHER         0  0  0  1
  ENDRIZZI       0  2  0  0
  FANTELLI       0 11  0  0
  FAVA           0  1  0  0
  FEDRICI        0  0  1  0
  FEDRIGONI      0  0  1  0
  FEDRIZZI       1  0  0  0
  FEZZI          5  0  0  0
  FLESSATI       0 31  1  0
  FONTANARI      0  0  1  0
  FORTUNATI      0  0  0  1
  GABRIELLI      1  0  0  0
  GASPERETTI     0  0  0  1
  GENTILINI      0  0  0  1
  GHIRARDI       0  0  3  0
  GIACONI        0  2  2  0
  GIAROLLI       0  2  0  0
  GIONTA         0  0  1  0
  GIRARDI        0  1  7  1
  GOSETTI        1  3 38  1
  GOSSER         0  0  0  1
  GRAMOLA        0 15  0  1
  GRAZIOLLI      1  0  0  0
  GREIFEMBERG    0  1  0  1
  GUARDI         0  5  0  0
  IACHELINI      0  5  1  0
  IANES          0  1  0  0
  KERSCHBAMER    0  1  0  0
  LANA          10  0  0  1
  LARGAIOLLI     1  2  0  0
  LONGHI         1  2  0  0
  LORENZONI      0  0  0  1
  LUCIETTI       2  0  0  0
  MAGAGNA        0  1  0  0
  MANINI         0  1  0  0
  MANZONI        0  1  0  0
  MAPROVE        0  0  1  0
  MARACANI       5  7  0  0
  MARCHESI       1  1  0  0
  MARINI         4  0  0  0
  MARINOLLI      0  4  0  1
  MARK           0  1  0  0
  MARTINELLI     0  0  1  1
  MARTINI        0  0  0  2
  MARTINOLLI     0  2  0  0
  MATTEOTTI      0  1  0  0
  MATURI         0  0  1  0
  MELCHIORI      0 13  0  0
  MENGHINI       1  0  0  0
  MENGON         1  0  0  1
  MENON          0  1  0  0
  MICHELI        0  0  0  1
  MISSERONI      0  1  0  0
  MOCHEN         0  3  0  0
  MOLIGNONI     49  0  0  1
  MORATELLI      0  1  0  0
  MORATTI        8  0  1  1
  MORESCHINI     0  0  1  0
  MOSER          0 22  0  0
  NOLDIN         0  0  0  2
  PANGRAZZI      0  0  1  1
  PANIZZA        2  0  0  0
  PARIS          0  0  0  2
  PAROLARI       0  0  0 33
  PATERNOSTER    0  1  0  0
  PEDERGNANA     0  7  3  3
  PEDRAZZOLI     6  1  0  3
  PEDRI          0  3  0  0
  PEDROTTI       0  0  1  0
  PEGOLOTTI      0  1  0  0
  PENASA         0 13  0  1
  PIAZZA         0  0  0  2
  PIAZZOLA       0  0  2  0
  PICCININI      0  0  1  0
  PICHLER        1  0  0  0
  PIETRO         0  0  1  0
  PLACHI         1  0  1  0
  PODETTI        0 58  1  0
  POLLI          0  2  0  0
  PONTIROLLI     0  5  0  0
  PORT           0  3  0  0
  POVINELLI      0  1  0  0
  PREGHENELLA    0  1  0  0
  PULLER         2  1  0  0
  RAHLER         1  0  0  0
  RAMPONI        0  1  0  0
  RAVELLI        2  5 75  4
  REDOLFI        2  1 74  0
  RESSIAMEV      0  1  0  0
  RIZZI          0  0  2  0
  ROMAGNA        0  2  0  0
  ROMEDIO        1  0  0  0
  ROSSI          1 64  3  0
  RUATTI         0  1  0  0
  RUFFINI        0  0  1  0
  SALVADORI      0  0 27  1
  SALVATERRA     1  0  0  0
  SANTINI        1  0  0  0
  SARTORI        0  8  0  0
  SAVINELLI      0  9  0  0
  SCHMITH        0  1  0  0
  SCHWEITZER     1  0  0  1
  SERRA          0  1  0  0
  SILVESTRI      0  1  0  0
  SLANZI         1  0  0  0
  SMALZI         0  1  0  0
  STABLUM        0  3  0  0
  STANCHINA      0  0  0  1
  STAUDER        2  0  0  0
  STOCCHETTI     1  0  0  0
  TABACCHINI     0 10  0  0
  TADDEI         0  1  0  0
  TAPPARELLI     0  2  0  1
  TEVINI         0  6  0  0
  TOFFENETTI     2  0  0 37
  TOGNALI        0  1 12  0
  TOLARDO        0  1  0  0
  TOMASI        16  1  0  0
  TONNER         0  0  1  0
  TRETTEL        0  3  0  0
  VALENTINELLI   0  3  0  0
  VALENTINOTTI   0  2  0  0
  VALLORZ        0  5  1  0
  VANZETTA       0  0  1  0
  VANZOLAS       0  1  0  0
  VARESCHI       0  1  0  0
  VEGHER         0  3  0  0
  VENERI         1  0  0  0
  VERONESI       1  0  0  0
  VIVIANI        0  1  0  0
  VOLCAN         0  0  1  0
  VOLTOLINI      0  0  0  2
  ZALLA          0  0  0 21
  ZAMBELLI      10  0  0  3
  ZANELLA        1  0  0  0
  ZANETTI        2  0  0  0
  ZANINI         0  1  0  0
  ZANON          0 15  1  0
  ZENI           0  1  0  0
  ZORZI          0  2  0  0
            [,1]        [,2]        [,3]        [,4]
[1,] 0.101719127 0.001328383 0.006167830 0.008915086
[2,] 0.001328383 0.035080690 0.006070128 0.001504237
[3,] 0.006167830 0.006070128 0.119455049 0.006193850
[4,] 0.008915086 0.001504237 0.006193850 0.136711143
[1] 0.0236185
             [,1]         [,2]         [,3]         [,4]
[1,]  0.019641131 -0.005605628 -0.004388580 -0.003697686
[2,] -0.005605628  0.002882569 -0.004413151 -0.005561403
[3,] -0.004388580 -0.004413151  0.024101448 -0.004382036
[4,] -0.003697686 -0.005561403 -0.004382036  0.028441095
[1,] 0.01512128

Biodem documentation built on Jan. 5, 2021, 5:08 p.m.

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