mlm.spike: Spike and slab multinomial logistic regression

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mlm.spikeR Documentation

Spike and slab multinomial logistic regression


MCMC algorithm for multinomial logist models with a 'spike-and-slab' prior that places some amount of posterior probability at zero for a subset of the regression coefficients.


          choice.formula = NULL,
 = ".",
          contrasts = NULL,
          prior = NULL,
          ping = niter / 10,
          proposal.df = 3,
          rwm.scale.factor = 1,
          nthreads = 1,
          mh.chunk.size = 10,
          proposal.weights = c("DA" = .5, "RWM" = .25, "TIM" = .25),
          seed = NULL,



A model formula describing the relationship between the response (which must be a factor) and the characteristics of the subjects associated with the decision process. If there are no subject-level predictors then y ~ 1 will provide a model with a different intercept for each level of the response. If no intercepts are desired, use y ~ 0.


A model formula describing the relationship between the response and the characteristics of the object being chosen. This can be left NULL if no choice-level characteristics are to be used in the model. The variables appearing on the right hand side must be stored in data with the name of response levels appended, and a chararacter ( used as a separator. For example, if "MPG" is one of the variables in the formula, and the response can assume values of "Toyota", "Honda", and "Chevy", then data must contain MPG.Toyota, MPG.Honda, and MPG.Chevy.


The number of MCMC iterations to run. Be sure to include enough so you can discard a burn-in set.


A data frame containing the data referenced in subject.formula and choice.formula arguments. If choice.formula is NULL then this argument is optional, and variables will be pulled from the parent environment if it is omitted. If choice.formula is non-NULL, then data must be supplied. Each row in data represents a single observation containing the relevant data about both the subject making the choice, as well as about the items being chosen among. A variable measuring a choice characteristic must be present for each choice level in the response variable. The stems for the choice-variable names that measure the same concepts must be identical, and choice level must be appended as a suffix, separated by a "." character. Thus, if 'HP' is a variable to be considered, and the response levels are 'Toyota', 'Honda', 'Chevy', then the data must contain variables named 'HP.Toyota', 'HP.Honda', and 'HP.Chevy'.

The character used to separate the predictor names from the choice values for the choice-level predictor variables in 'data'.


An optional list. See the contrasts.arg of model.matrix.default.


An optional vector specifying a subset of observations to be used in the fitting process.


An object of class IndependentSpikeSlabPrior. The portions of the prior distribution relating to the residual variance are not used.

A convenience function: MultinomialLogitSpikeSlabPrior is provided to help with the accounting headaches of vectorizing the subject.beta and choice.beta parameters.


The frequency with which status updates are printed to the console. Measured in MCMC iterations. If ping < 0 then no status updates will be printed.


The "degrees of freedom" parameter that the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm should use for the multivariate T proposal distribution. If proposal.df <= 0 then a Gaussian proposal is used instead.


The scale factor to use for random walk Metropolis updates. See details.


The number of CPU-threads to use for data augmentation.


The maximum number of coefficients to draw in a single "chunk" of a Metropolis-Hastings update. See details.


A vector of 3 probabilities (summing to 1) indicating the probability of each type of MH proposal during each iteration. The weights should be given names "DA", "RWM", and "TIM" for clarity.


Seed to use for the C++ random number generator. It should be NULL or an int. If NULL the seed value will be taken from the global .Random.seed object.


Extra arguments to be passed to MultinomialLogitSpikeSlabPrior.


Model Details:

A multinomial logit model has two sets of predictors: one measuring characterisitcs of the subject making the choice, and the other measuring characteristics of the items being chosen. The model can be written

Pr(y[i] = m) (proportional to) exp(beta.subject[, m] * x.subject[i, ] + beta.choice * x.choice[i, , m])

The coefficients in this model are beta.subject and beta.choice. beta.choice is a subject.xdim by ('nchoices' - 1) matrix. Each row multiplies the design matrix produced by subject.formula for a particular choice level, where the first choice level is omitted (logically set to zero) for identifiability. beta.choice is a vector multiplying the design matrix produced by choice.formula, and thre are 'nchoices' of such matrices.

The coefficient vector 'beta' is the concatenation c(beta.subject, beta.choice), where beta.subject is vectorized by stacking its columns (in the usual R fashion). This means that the first contiguous region of beta contains the subject-level coefficients for choice level 2.

MCMC Details:

The MCMC algorithm randomly moves between three tyes of updates: data augmentation, random walk Metropolis (RWM), and tailored independence Metropolis (TIM).

  • DA: Each observation in the model is associated with a set of latent variables that renders the complete data posterior distribution conditionally Gaussian. The augmentation scheme is described in Tuchler (2008). The data augmentation algorithm conditions on the latent data, and integrates out the coefficients, to sample the inclusion vector (i.e. the vector of indicators showing which coefficients are nonzero) using Gibbs sampling. Then the coefficients are sampled given complete data conditional on inclusion. This is the only move that attemps a dimension change.

  • RWM: A chunk of the coefficient vector (up to mh.chunk.size) is selected. The proposal distribution is either multivariate normal or multivariate T (depending on 'proposal.df') centered on current values of this chunk. The precision parameter of the normal (or T) is the negative Hessian of the un-normalized log posterior, evaluated at the current value. The precision is divided by rwm.scale.factor. Only coefficients currently included in the model at the time of the proposal will be modified.

  • TIM: A chunk of the coefficient vector (up to mh.chunk.size) is selected. The proposal distribution is constructed by locating the posterior mode (using the current value as a starting point). The proposal is a Gaussian (or multivariate T) centered on the posterior mode, with precision equal to the negative Hessian evaluated at the mode. This is an expensive, but effective step. If the posterior mode finding fails (for numerical reasons) then a RWM proposal will be attempted instead.


Returns an object of class mlm.spike, which inherits from logit.spike and lm.spike. The returned object is a list with the following elements


A niter by ncol(x) matrix of regression coefficients, many of which may be zero. Each row corresponds to an MCMC iteration.


The prior used to fit the model. If a prior was supplied as an argument it will be returned. Otherwise this will be the automatically generated prior based on the other function arguments.


A summary of the amount of time spent in each type of MCMC move, and the acceptance rate for each move type.


Steven L. Scott


Tuchler (2008), "Bayesian Variable Selection for Logistic Models Using Auxiliary Mixture Sampling", Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 17 76 – 94.

See Also

lm.spike SpikeSlabPrior, plot.lm.spike, summary.lm.spike, predict.lm.spike.


rmulti <- function (prob) {
  ## Sample from heterogeneous multinomial distributions.
    if (is.vector(prob)) {
        S <- length(prob)
        return(sample(1:S, size = 1, prob = prob))
    nc <- apply(prob, 1, sum)
    n <- nrow(prob)
    S <- ncol(prob)
    u <- runif(n, 0, nc)
    alive <- rep(TRUE, n)
    z <- numeric(n)
    p <- rep(0, n)
    for (s in 1:S) {
        p <- p + prob[, s]
        indx <- alive & (u < p)
        alive[indx] <- FALSE
        z[indx] <- s
        if (!any(alive))

## Define sizes for the problem
subject.predictor.dimension <- 3
choice.predictor.dimension <- 4
nchoices <- 5
nobs <- 1000

## The response can be "a", "b", "c", ...
choice.levels <- letters[1:nchoices]

## Create "subject level characteristics".
subject.x <- matrix(rnorm(nobs * (subject.predictor.dimension - 1)),
                    nrow = nobs)
subject.beta <- cbind(
    0, matrix(rnorm(subject.predictor.dimension * (nchoices - 1)),
              ncol = nchoices - 1))
colnames(subject.x) <-[1:ncol(subject.x)]

## Create "choice level characteristics".
choice.x <- matrix(rnorm(nchoices * choice.predictor.dimension * nobs),
                   nrow = nobs)
choice.characteristics <- c("foo", "bar", "baz", "qux")
choice.names <- as.character(outer(choice.characteristics, choice.levels, FUN = paste, sep = ":"))
colnames(choice.x) <- choice.names
choice.beta <- rnorm(choice.predictor.dimension)

## Combine an intercept term, subject data, and choice data.
X <- cbind(1, subject.x, choice.x)
p <- ncol(X)
true.beta <- c(subject.beta[, -1], choice.beta)
Beta <- matrix(nrow = nchoices, ncol = p)
for (m in 1:nchoices) {
  Beta[m, ] <- rep(0, p)
  Beta[m, 1:subject.predictor.dimension] <- subject.beta[, m]
  begin <- subject.predictor.dimension + 1 + (m-1) * choice.predictor.dimension
  end <- begin + choice.predictor.dimension - 1
  Beta[m, begin:end] <- choice.beta

eta <- X %*% t(Beta)
prob <- exp(eta)
prob <- prob / rowSums(prob)
response <- as.factor(choice.levels[rmulti(prob)]) <-[, -1])$response <- response

# NOTE: The number of MCMC iterations is artificially small to reduce
# the run time.
model <- mlm.spike(response ~ Alabama + Alaska,
                   response ~ foo + bar + baz + qux,
                   niter = 100,
          = ":",
                   expected.subject.model.size = -1,
                   expected.choice.model.size = -1,
                   data =,
                   proposal.weights = c("DA" = .8, "RWM" = .1, "TIM" = .1))

BoomSpikeSlab documentation built on May 28, 2022, 1:11 a.m.