
Defines functions MakeBatch

Documented in MakeBatch

# getting some useful batch files for processing R scripts and Rmarkdown files.
# Windows users only

MakeBatch =
    function(file = NULL, static=FALSE) {
      if (interactive()) {
        if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
          RHome = .ifelse(static,
paste0('"', gsub("/", "\\\\", R.home())), paste0(.FindRInstallPathText, '"%InstallPath%'))
          if (is.null(file)) {
            # write a batch file for processing R scripts
            cat(paste0(RHome, '\\bin\\R.exe" CMD BATCH --vanilla --quiet %1\n'),
                file = "RBatch.bat")
            .NewFile(file = "RBatch.bat")
            # write a batch file for processing a specific R markdown file
                       '\\bin\\RScript.exe" --vanilla -e \"rmarkdown::render(\'%1\')\"\n'),
                file = "RmdBatch.bat")
                        .NewFile(file = "RmdBatch.bat")
            # write a batch file for processing all R markdown files
            cat(paste0(RHome, '\\bin\\Rscript.exe" --vanilla -e "BrailleR::ProcessAllRmd()"\n'),
                file = "ProcessAllRmd.bat")
                        .NewFile(file = "ProcessAllRmd.bat")
            # write a batch file for processing all markdown files
            cat(paste0(RHome, '\\bin\\Rscript.exec" --vanilla -e "BrailleR::ProcessAllMd()"\n'),
                file = "ProcessAllMd.bat")
                                    .NewFile(file = "ProcessAllMd.bat")


            # write a file to show the system path settings
            cat(Sys.getenv("PATH"), file = "path.txt")
            # write a test Rmd file
            cat("# a test file
## created by the BrailleR package

My R version is `r getRversion()` and is being used to create this test file
It will then be used to process the test file later once the necessary actions are taken in Windows Explorer.  \n",
                file = "test1.Rmd")
            # write a test R script
            cat("# a test file
## created by the BrailleR package

MySample=sample(100, 10)
mean(MySample)  \n",
                file = "test2.R")
            cat("test2.R created successfully.\n")
          } else {
            if (!file.exists(file))
              .FileDoesNotExist (file)

            FullFile = unlist(strsplit(file, split = ".", fixed = TRUE))
            if (endsWith(file, ".R") | endsWith(file, ".r")) {
              # write a batch file for processing the R script
              cat(paste0(RHome, '\\bin\\R.exe" CMD BATCH --vanilla --quiet ',
                         FullFile[1], '.R\n'),
                  file = paste0(FullFile[1], ".bat"))
                                      .NewFile(file = paste0(FullFile[1], ".bat"))
            if (endsWith(file, ".Qmd") | endsWith(file, ".qmd")) {
              # write batch files for rendering and previewing the quarto file
              cat(paste0('quarto preview "', file,  '"'),
                  file = paste0(FullFile[1], "Preview.bat"))
                                      .NewFile(file = paste0(FullFile[1], "Preview.bat"))
              cat(paste0('quarto render "', file,  '"'),
                  file = paste0(FullFile[1], ".bat"))
                                      .NewFile(file = paste0(FullFile[1], "Render.bat"))
            if (endsWith(file, ".Rmd") | endsWith(file, ".rmd")) {
              # write a batch file for processing the R markdown file
              cat(paste0(RHome, '\\bin\\RScript.exe" -e "rmarkdown::render(\'',
                         FullFile[1], '.Rmd\')"\n'),
                  file = paste0(FullFile[1], ".bat"))
                                      .NewFile(file = paste0(FullFile[1], ".bat"))
        } else {
      } else {

Try the BrailleR package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

BrailleR documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:46 p.m.