
Defines functions man.whi

Documented in man.whi

man.whi <- function(serie,n_period=10){

  serie <- as.vector(serie)
  n <- length(serie)
  if(n < 2*n_period){
    stop('serie no long enough or n_period too long')
  i_ini <- n_period
  i_fin <- n-n_period
  p_v <- 1
  for(i in i_ini:i_fin){
    aux1 <- serie[1:i]
    aux2 <- serie[(i+1):n]
    p <- wilcox.test(aux1,aux2, paired = F, var.equal = F)$p.value
    if(p <= p_v){
      p_v <- p
      i_break <- i+1

  out <- list(breaks = i_break ,p.value =p_v)

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BreakPoints documentation built on July 1, 2020, 6:02 p.m.