Body: Exploring Relationships in Body Dimensions

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This dataset contains 21 body dimension measurements as well as age, weight, height, and gender on 507 individuals. The 247 men and 260 women were primarily individuals in their twenties and thirties, with a scattering of older men and women, all exercising several hours a week.


Measurements were initially taken by Grete Heinz and Louis J. Peterson - at San Jose State University and at the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California. Later, measurements were taken at dozens of California health and fitness clubs by technicians under the supervision of one of these authors.




The data frame has the following components:


Heinz, G., Peterson, L.J., Johnson, R.W. and Kerk, C.J. (2003), “Exploring Relationships in Body Dimensions”, Journal of Statistics Education , 11.

Brq documentation built on July 1, 2020, 7:07 p.m.

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