
#' @title BuyseTest package: Generalized Pairwise Comparisons
#' @name BuyseTest-package
#' @description Implementation of the Generalized Pairwise Comparisons. 
#' \code{\link{BuyseTest}} is the main function of the package. See the vignette of an overview of the functionalities of the package.
#' Run \code{citation("BuyseTest")} in R for how to cite this package in scientific publications.
#' See the section reference below for examples of application in clinical studies.
#' The Generalized Pairwise Comparisons form all possible pairs of observations,
#' one observation being taken from the intervention group and the other is taken from the control group,
#' and compare the difference in endpoints (\eqn{Y-X}) to the threshold of clinical relevance (\eqn{\tau}).
#' For a single endpoint,
#' if the difference is greater or equal than the threshold of clinical relevance (\eqn{Y \ge X + \tau}),
#' the pair is classified as favorable (i.e. win).
#' If the difference is lower or equal than minus the threshold of clinical relevance (\eqn{X \ge Y + \tau}),
#' the pair is classified as unfavorable (i.e. loss).
#' Otherwise the pair is classified as neutral. In presence of censoring, it might not be possible to compare the difference to the threshold. In such cases the pair
#' is classified as uninformative.
#' Simultaneously analysis of several endpoints is performed by prioritizing the endpoints, assigning the highest priority to the endpoint considered the most clinically relevant.
#' The endpoint with highest priority is analyzed first, and neutral and uninformative pair are analyzed regarding endpoint of lower priority.
#' \strong{Keywords}: documented methods/functions are classified according to the following keywords \itemize{
#' \item models: function fitting a statistical model/method based on a dataset (e.g. \code{\link{auc}}, \code{\link{brier}}, \code{\link{BuyseTest}}, \code{\link{BuyseTTEM}}, \code{\link{CasinoTest}}, \code{\link{performance}})
#' \item htest: methods performing statistical inference based on an existing model (e.g. \code{\link{BuyseMultComp}}, \code{\link{performanceResample}}, \code{\link{powerBuyseTest}}, \code{\link{sensitivity}})
#' \item methods: extractors (e.g. \code{\link{getCount}}, \code{\link{getPairScore}}, \code{\link{getPseudovalue}}, \code{\link{getSurvival}}, \code{\link{getIid}})
#' \item print: concise display of an object in the console (e.g. \code{print}, \code{summary})
#' \item utilities: function used to facilitate user interactions (e.g. \code{\link{BuyseTest.options}}, \code{\link{constStrata}})
#' \item hplot: graphical display (e.g. \code{\link{autoplot.S3sensitivity}})
#' \item internal: function used internally but that need to be exported for parallel calculations (e.g. \code{\link{GPC_cpp}})
#' \item datagen: function for generating data sets (e.g. \code{\link{simBuyseTest}}, \code{\link{simCompetingRisks}})
#' \item classes: definition of S4 classes
#' }
#' @references
#' Method papers on the GPC procedure and its extensions:
#' On the GPC procedure: Marc Buyse (2010). \bold{Generalized pairwise comparisons of prioritized endpoints in the two-sample problem}. \emph{Statistics in Medicine} 29:3245-3257 \cr
#' On the win ratio: D. Wang, S. Pocock (2016). \bold{A win ratio approach to comparing continuous non-normal outcomes in clinical trials}. \emph{Pharmaceutical Statistics} 15:238-245 \cr
#' On the Peron's scoring rule: J. Peron, M. Buyse, B. Ozenne, L. Roche and P. Roy (2018). \bold{An extension of generalized pairwise comparisons for prioritized outcomes in the presence of censoring}. \emph{Statistical Methods in Medical Research} 27: 1230-1239. \cr
#' On the Gehan's scoring rule: Gehan EA (1965). \bold{A generalized two-sample Wilcoxon test for doubly censored data}. \emph{Biometrika}  52(3):650-653 \cr
#' On inference in GPC using the U-statistic theory: Ozenne B, Budtz-Jorgensen E, Peron J (2021). \bold{The asymptotic distribution of the Net Benefit estimator in presence of right-censoring}. \emph{Statistical Methods in Medical Research} 2021 doi:10.1177/09622802211037067 \cr
#' On how to handle right-censoring: J. Peron, M. Idlhaj, D. Maucort-Boulch, et al. (2021) \bold{Correcting the bias of the net benefit estimator due to right-censored observations}. \emph{Biometrical Journal} 63: 893–906. \cr
#' Examples of application in clinical studies: \cr 
#' J. Peron, P. Roy, K. Ding, W. R. Parulekar, L. Roche, M. Buyse (2015). \bold{Assessing the benefit-risk of new treatments using generalized pairwise comparisons: the case of erlotinib in pancreatic cancer}. \emph{British journal of cancer} 112:(6)971-976.  \cr
#' J. Peron, P. Roy, T. Conroy, F. Desseigne, M. Ychou, S. Gourgou-Bourgade, T. Stanbury, L. Roche, B. Ozenne, M. Buyse (2016). \bold{An assessment of the benefit-risk balance of FOLFORINOX in metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma}. \emph{Oncotarget} 7:82953-60, 2016. \cr
#' Comparison between the net benefit and alternative measures of treatment effect: \cr 
#' J. Peron, P. Roy, B. Ozenne, L. Roche, M. Buyse (2016). \bold{The net chance of a longer survival as a patient-oriented measure of benefit in randomized clinical trials}. \emph{JAMA Oncology} 2:901-5. \cr
#' E. D. Saad , J. R. Zalcberg, J. Peron, E. Coart, T. Burzykowski, M. Buyse (2018). \bold{Understanding and communicating measures of treatment effect on survival: can we do better?}. \emph{J Natl Cancer Inst}.
#' @useDynLib BuyseTest, .registration=TRUE
#' @import data.table
#' @importFrom scales percent
#' @importFrom ggplot2 autoplot
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom lava categorical coxExponential.lvm distribution eventTime iid lvm sim vars latent<-
#' @import methods
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores
#' @import Rcpp
#' @importFrom stats as.formula delete.response formula na.omit rbinom predict setNames terms
#' @importFrom stats4 summary
#' @importFrom prodlim prodlim Hist
#' @importFrom utils capture.output tail

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