
#' Perceptual map-like Correspondence Analysis scatterplot
#' This command allows to plot a variant of the traditional Correspondence
#' Analysis scatterplots that allows facilitating the interpretation of the
#' results. It aims at producing what in marketing research is called perceptual
#' map, a visual representation of the CA results that seeks to avoid the
#' problem of interpreting inter-spatial distance. It represents only one type
#' of points (say, column points), and "gives names to the axes" corresponding
#' to the major row category contributors to the two selected dimensions.
#' @param data Contingency table, in dataframe format.
#' @param x First dimensions to be plotted.
#' @param y Second dimensions to be plotted.
#' @param focus Takes "row" (default) if the interest is in assessing the
#'   contribution of the rows to the definition of the dimensions, "col" if the
#'   interest is on the columns.
#' @param dim.corr Dimension for which the points' correlation (column points if
#'   focus is set to "row", row points if focus is set to "col") will be
#'   computed and used as input value for the size of the points. The default
#'   value is the smaller of the two input dimensions (i.e., x).
#' @param guide TRUE or FALSE (default) if the user does or doesn't want the
#'   points being given a color code indicating with which of the two selected
#'   dimension they have a higher relative correlation.
#' @param size.labls Adjust the size of the characters used in the labels that
#'   give names to the axes.
#' @keywords caPercept
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(brand_coffee)
#' caPercept(brand_coffee,1,2,focus="col",dim.corr=1, guide=FALSE)
#' #In the returned plot, axes are given names according to the major contributing column categories 
#'# (i.e., coffee brands in this datset), while the points correspond to the row categories 
#'#(i.e., attributes). Points' size is proportional to the correlation of points with the 1st 
#'#dimension. If 'guide' is set to TRUE, the returned plot is similar to the preceding one, 
#'# but the points are given colour according to whether they are more correlated 
#'# (in relative terms) to the first or to the second of the selected dimensions. 
#'# In this example, points flagged with "->Dim 1" are more correlated to the 1st dimension, 
#'# while those flagged with "->Dim 2" have a higher correlation with the 2nd dimension.
#' @seealso \code{\link{caPlot}}
caPercept <- function (data, x = 1, y = 2, focus="row", dim.corr=x, guide=FALSE, size.labls=3) {
  ncols <- ncol(data)
  nrows <- nrow(data)
  numb.dim.cols <- ncol(data) - 1
  numb.dim.rows <- nrow(data) - 1
  a <- min(numb.dim.cols, numb.dim.rows)
  res <- CA(data, ncp=a, graph=FALSE)
  percent.inr.xdim <- round(res$eig[x,2], digits=2)
  percent.inr.ydim <- round(res$eig[y,2], digits=2)
  if (focus=="col") {
    pnt_labls <- colnames(data)
    title <- paste("CA scatterplot: row points' correlation with Dim.", dim.corr,", and major column categories contributors (red)")
  } else {
    pnt_labls <- rownames(data)
    title <- paste("CA scatterplot: column points' correlation with Dim.", dim.corr, ", and major row categories contributors (red)")
  if (focus=="col") {
    dfr <- data.frame(lab=pnt_labls,coord1=res$col$coord[,x], cntr1=res$col$contrib[,x], coord2=res$col$coord[,y], cntr2=res$col$contrib[,y])
    dfr.to.plot <- data.frame(coord1=res$row$coord[,x],coord2=res$row$coord[,y], corr=sqrt(res$row$cos2[,dim.corr]), corr.b=sqrt(res$row$cos2[,ifelse(dim.corr==x,y,x)]))
    col.data <- dfr
    row.data <- dfr.to.plot
  } else {
    dfr <- data.frame(lab = pnt_labls,coord1=res$row$coord[,x], cntr1=res$row$contrib[,x], coord2=res$row$coord[,y], cntr2=res$row$contrib[,y])
    dfr.to.plot <- data.frame(coord1=res$col$coord[,x],coord2=res$col$coord[,y], corr=sqrt(res$col$cos2[,dim.corr]), corr.b=sqrt(res$col$cos2[,ifelse(dim.corr==x,y,x)]))
    row.data <- dfr
    col.data <- dfr.to.plot
  if (guide==TRUE) {
    dfr.to.plot$corr_guide <- ifelse(dfr.to.plot$corr>dfr.to.plot$corr.b,paste("->Dim",dim.corr), paste("->Dim",ifelse(dim.corr==x,y,x)))
  } else {}
  cntr.thresh <- ifelse(focus=="col", 100/ncols, 100/nrows)
  sub1 <- paste(subset(dfr, coord1<0 & cntr1>cntr.thresh)[,1], collapse="\n")
  sub2 <- paste(subset(dfr, coord1>0 & cntr1>cntr.thresh)[,1], collapse="\n")
  sub3 <- paste(subset(dfr, coord2<0 & cntr2>cntr.thresh)[,1], collapse="\n")
  sub4 <- paste(subset(dfr, coord2>0 & cntr2>cntr.thresh)[,1], collapse="\n")
  length.sub1 <- length(subset(dfr, coord1<0 & cntr1>cntr.thresh)[,1])
  length.sub2 <- length(subset(dfr, coord1>0 & cntr1>cntr.thresh)[,1])
  length.sub3 <- length(subset(dfr, coord2<0 & cntr2>cntr.thresh)[,1])
  length.sub4 <- length(subset(dfr, coord2>0 & cntr2>cntr.thresh)[,1])
  max.length <- max(length.sub1, length.sub2, length.sub3, length.sub4)
  x.neg.lim <- min(dfr.to.plot$coord1)
  x.pos.lim <- max(dfr.to.plot$coord1)
  y.neg.lim <- min(dfr.to.plot$coord2)
  y.pos.lim <- max(dfr.to.plot$coord2)
  p <- ggplot(dfr.to.plot, aes(x=coord1, y=coord2)) + theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill="white", colour="black")) + xlab(paste0("Dim.",x," (",percent.inr.xdim,"%)" )) + ylab(paste0("Dim.",y, " (", percent.inr.ydim, "%)")) + geom_hline(yintercept = 0, colour="grey", linetype = "dashed") + geom_vline(xintercept = 0, colour="grey", linetype = "dashed") + geom_label(x=x.neg.lim+0.01, y=0.005, label=sub1, colour = "red", size=size.labls) + geom_label(x=x.pos.lim-0.01, y=0.005, label=sub2, colour="red", size=size.labls) + geom_label(x=0.005, y=y.neg.lim, label=sub3, colour="red",size=size.labls) + geom_label(x=0.005, y=y.pos.lim, label=sub4, colour="red",size=size.labls) + geom_text_repel(data = dfr.to.plot, aes(label = rownames(dfr.to.plot)), size = 2.7, colour = "black", box.padding = unit(0.35, "lines"), point.padding = unit(0.3, "lines")) + ggtitle(title) + theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 12))
  if (guide==TRUE) {
    p1 <- p + geom_point(aes(size=corr, colour=corr_guide))
  } else {
    p1 <- p + geom_point(aes(size=corr))

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CAinterprTools documentation built on July 8, 2020, 5:15 p.m.