
Defines functions GetOAuthClient GetOAuthToken

Documented in GetOAuthClient GetOAuthToken

#' @title Get OAuth token
#' @description Gets an OAuth authentication token (long character string)
#' @param id character, user OAuth client id
#' @param secret character, user OAuth client secret
#' @param url character, endpoint for requesting tokens. Default: Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem OAuth endpoint
#' @return Long character string containing the authentication token.
#' @details The token can be used in queries requiring the authentication.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' id <- "..."
#' secret <- "..."
#' token <- GetOAuthToken(id = id, secret = secret)
#' @seealso
#'  \code{\link[CDSE]{GetOAuthClient}}
#' @rdname GetOAuthToken
#' @export
#' @source \url{https://documentation.dataspace.copernicus.eu/APIs/SentinelHub/Overview/Authentication.html}
#' @importFrom httr2 oauth_client oauth_flow_client_credentials
GetOAuthToken <- function(id, secret, url = getOption("CDSE.auth_url")) {
    id <- CheckCredential(id)
    secret <- CheckCredential(secret)
    if (id == "" || secret == "") {
        suppressWarnings(system(command = paste("open", system.file("doc", "BeforeYouStart.pdf", package = "CDSE")), wait = FALSE))
        stop("The provided credentials are not valid, please consult the 'BeforeYouStart' document.")
    client <- httr2::oauth_client(id = id, token_url = url,secret = secret, auth = "header")
    token <- httr2::oauth_flow_client_credentials(client)
    out <- token$access_token
    attr(out, "expires") <- as.POSIXct(token$expires_at, origin = "1970-01-01")

#' @title Get OAuth client
#' @description Gets an OAuth authentication client (\code{httr2} OAuth client object)
#' @param id character, user OAuth client id
#' @param secret character, user OAuth client secret
#' @param url character, endpoint for requesting tokens. Default: Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem OAuth endpoint
#' @return \code{httr2} OAuth client object
#' @details The client can be used in queries requiring the authentication.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' id <- "..."
#' secret <- "..."
#' OAuthClient <- GetOAuthClient(id = id, secret = secret)
#' }
#' @seealso
#'  \code{\link[CDSE]{GetOAuthToken}}
#' @rdname GetOAuthClient
#' @export
#' @source \url{https://documentation.dataspace.copernicus.eu/APIs/SentinelHub/Overview/Authentication.html}
#' @importFrom httr2 oauth_client
GetOAuthClient <- function(id, secret, url = getOption("CDSE.auth_url")) {
    id <- CheckCredential(id)
    secret <- CheckCredential(secret)
    if (id == "" || secret == "") {
        suppressWarnings(system(command = paste("open", system.file("doc", "BeforeYouStart.pdf", package = "CDSE")), wait = FALSE))
        stop("The provided credentials are not valid, please consult the 'BeforeYouStart' document.")
    client <- httr2::oauth_client(id = id, token_url = url, secret = secret, auth = "header")

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CDSE documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:13 a.m.