
Defines functions SequentialScree

Documented in SequentialScree

#' Sequential Model Selection for Multiple CICA model
#' @param x an object of class MultipleCICA
#' @return a list object
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' CICA_data <- Sim_CICA(Nr = 15, Q = 5, R = 4, voxels = 100, timepoints = 10,
#' E = 0.4, overlap = .25, externalscore = TRUE)
#' multiple_output = CICA(DataList = CICA_data$X, nComp = 2:6, nClus = 1:5,
#' userGrid = NULL, RanStarts = 30, RatStarts = NULL, pseudo = c(0.1, 0.2),
#' pseudoFac = 2, userDef = NULL, scalevalue = 1000, center = TRUE,
#' maxiter = 100, verbose = TRUE, ctol = .000001)
#' ModSelOutput <- SequentialScree(multiple_output)
#' plot(ModSelOutput)
#' }
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
SequentialScree <- function(x){

  if(xor(is(x,'MultipleCICA'), !is.data.frame(x))){
    stop('Input object should be of class MultipleCICA')

  if(is(x, 'MultipleCICA')){
    models <- names(x)
    split <- strsplit(models, split = '_')
    Q <- as.numeric(sapply(seq_along(split), function(anom) split[[anom]][2]))
    R <- as.numeric(sapply(seq_along(split), function(anom) split[[anom]][4]))

    Loss <- sapply(seq_along(x), function(anom) x[[anom]]$Loss)

    df <- data.frame(Q = Q, R = R, Loss = Loss)
    df <- x
    nam <- colnames(df)
    if(nam[1] != "Q" & nam[2] != "R"){
      stop('Supplied data.frame with complexities and loss function values are not named correctly.
      Columnames for components and clusters should be named "Q" and "R" respectively')

  SR_rq <- function(Lq){

    Screes <- numeric()

    for(i in 1:length(Lq)){
      if(i == 1){
        Screes[i] <- NA
      else if(i == length(Lq) ){
        Screes[i] <- NA
        Screes[i] <- (Lq[i-1] - Lq[i]) / (Lq[i] - Lq[i+1])

  SR_qR <- function(LqR){
    Screes <- numeric()

    for(i in 1:length(LqR)){
      if(i == 1){
        Screes[i] <- NA
      else if(i == length(LqR) ){
        Screes[i] <- NA
        Screes[i] <- (LqR[i-1] - LqR[i]) / (LqR[i] - LqR[i+1])

  # both Q and R
  Qu <- unique(df$Q)
  Ru <- unique(df$R)
  if(length(Qu) > 3 & length(Ru) >3){
    Screes <- SR_rq( df[df$Q==Qu[1], ]$Loss )
    for(i in 2:length(Qu)){
      Screes <- rbind(Screes, SR_rq(df[df$Q==Qu[i], ]$Loss ))
    ColMeanScrees <- colMeans(Screes, na.rm = TRUE)
    Rid <- which.max(ColMeanScrees)
    Rselect <- Ru[Rid]
    ScreeConditionalonR <- SR_qR(df[df$R==Rselect,]$Loss)
    Qid <- which.max(ScreeConditionalonR)
    Qselect <- Qu[Qid]
  }else if(length(Qu) > 3){ # only Q
    Screes <- numeric()
    Lq <- df$Loss
    for(i in 1:length(Lq)){
      if(i == 1){
        Screes[i] <- NA
      else if(i == length(Lq) ){
        Screes[i] <- NA
        Screes[i] <- (Lq[i-1] - Lq[i]) / (Lq[i] - Lq[i+1])
    Qselect <- df$Q[which.max(Screes)]
    Rselect <- NULL
  }else if(length(Ru) > 3){
    Screes <- numeric()
    Lq <- df$Loss
    for(i in 1:length(Lq)){
      if(i == 1){
        Screes[i] <- NA
      else if(i == length(Lq) ){
        Screes[i] <- NA
        Screes[i] <- (Lq[i-1] - Lq[i]) / (Lq[i] - Lq[i+1])
    Rselect <- df$R[which.max(Screes)]
    Qselect <- NULL
    stop('Not enough datapoints to compute scree test values, consider taking a larger number of components and/or clusters')

  out <- list()
  out$optimalQ <- Qselect
  out$optimalR <- Rselect
  out$df <- df
  out$Screes_step1 <- Screes
  out$ColMeanScrees <- ColMeanScrees
  out$ScreeConditionalonR <- ScreeConditionalonR
  class(out) <- 'ModSel'

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CICA documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:33 p.m.