CLA | R Documentation |
The Critical Line Algorithm was first proposed by Markowitz(1987) to solve the mean-variance optimal portfolio problem.
We solve the problem with “box” constraints, i.e., allow to
specify lower and upper bounds (via lB
and uB
) for each
asset weight.
Here we provide a pure R implementation, quite fine tuned and debugged compared to earlier ones.
CLA(mu, covar, lB, uB,
check.cov = TRUE, check.f = TRUE,
tol.lambda = 1e-07,
give.MS = TRUE, keep.names = TRUE, trace = 0)
mu |
numeric vector of length |
covar |
the |
lB , uB |
vectors of length |
check.cov |
check.f |
tol.lambda |
the tolerance when checking for lambda changes or being zero. |
give.MS |
keep.names |
trace |
an integer (or |
The current implementation of the CLA is based (via Norring's)
on Bailey et al.(2013). We have found buglets in that implementation
which lead them to introduce their “purge” routines
, purgeExcess
which are no longer necessary.
Even though this is a pure R implementation, the algorithm is quite fast
also when the number of assets n
is large (1000s), though that
depends quite a bit on the exact problem.
an object of class
which is a
with components
weights_set |
a |
free_indices |
a |
gammas |
numeric vector of length |
lambdas |
numeric vector of length |
MS_weights |
the |
The exact results of the algorithm, e.g., the assets with non-zero weights, may slightly depend on the (computer) platform, e.g., for the S&P 500 example, differences between 64-bit or 32-bit, version of BLAS or Lapack libraries etc, do have an influence, see the R script ‘tests/SP500-ex.R’ in the package sources.
Alexander Norring did the very first version (unpublished master thesis). Current implementation: Yanhao Shi and Martin Maechler
Markowitz, H. (1952) Portfolio selection, The Journal of Finance 7, 77–91; \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.2307/2975974")}.
Markowitz, H. M. (1987, 1st ed.) and Markowitz, H. M. and Todd, P. G. (2000) Mean-Variance Analysis in Portfolio Choice and Capital Markets; chapters 7 and 13.
Niedermayer, A. and Niedermayer, D. (2010) Applying Markowitz’s Critical Line Algorithm, in J. B. Guerard (ed.), Handbook of Portfolio Construction, Springer; chapter 12, 383–400; \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1007/978-0-387-77439-8_12")}.
Bailey, D. H. and López de Prado, M. (2013) An open-source implementation of the critical-line algorithm for portfolio optimization, Algorithms 6(1), 169–196; \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.3390/a6010169")},
Yanhao Shi (2017) Implementation and applications of critical line algorithm for portfolio optimization; unpublished Master's thesis, ETH Zurich.
for plotting CLA
results: plot.CLA
## Full data taking too much time for example
iS <-$mu), 24)
CLsp.24 <- CLA(muS.sp500$mu[iS], muS.sp500$covar[iS, iS], lB=0, uB=1/10)
CLsp.24 # using the print() method for class "CLA"
if(require(Matrix)) { ## visualize how weights change "along turning points"
show(image(Matrix(CLsp.24$weights_set, sparse=TRUE),
main = "CLA(muS.sp500 <random_sample(size=24)>) $ weights_set",
xlab = "turning point", ylab = "asset number"))
## A 3x3 example (from real data) where CLA()'s original version failed
## and 'check.f = TRUE' produces a warning :
mc3 <- list(
mu = c(0.0408, 0.102, -0.023),
cv = matrix(c(0.00648, 0.00792, 0.00473,
0.00792, 0.0334, 0.0121,
0.00473, 0.0121, 0.0793), 3, 3,
dimnames = list(NULL,
paste0(c("TLT", "VTI","GLD"), ".Adjusted"))))
rc3 <- with(mc3, CLA(mu=mu, covar=cv, lB=0, uB=1, trace=TRUE))
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