muS.sp500 | R Documentation |
If R_{j,t}
are the basically the scale standardized log returns
for j = 1,2,\dots,476
of 476 stocks from S&P 500, as
from SP500
, then mu_j = E[R_{j,*}]
averaged over time; actually as predicted by muSigma()
at the
end of the time period, and
\Sigma_{j,k} = Cov(R_j, R_k)
are estimated covariances.
These are the main “inputs” needed for the CLA algorithm, see
A list with two components,
Named num [1:476] 0.00233 0.0035 0.01209 0.00322 0.00249 ...
names : chr [1:476] "A" "AA" "AAPL" "ABC" ...
num [1:476, 1:476] 0.001498 0.000531 0.000536 ...
It is as simple as this:
data(SP500, package="FRAPO") system.time(muS.sp500 <- muSigmaGarch(SP500)) # 26 sec. (lynne, 2017)
which was used to construct it.
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