muS.10ex | R Documentation |
The simple example Data of Markowitz and Todd (2000); used for illustrating the CLA; reused in Bailey and López de Prado (2013).
A list with two components,
Named num [1:10] 1.175 1.19 0.396 1.12 0.346 ...
names : chr [1:10] "X1" "X2" "X3" "X4" ...
num [1:10, 1:10] 0.4076 0.0318 0.0518 0.0566 0.033 ...
From ‘’ (URL no longer working, Aug.2020!) by López de Prado.
Markowitz, H. M. (1987, 1st ed.) and Markowitz, H. M. and Todd, P. G. (2000) Mean-Variance Analysis in Portfolio Choice and Capital Markets, page 335.
Bailey, D. H. and López de Prado, M. (2013) An open-source implementation of the critical-line algorithm for portfolio optimization, Algorithms 6(1), 169–196; \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.3390/a6010169")}, p. 16f.
CLA.10ex <- with(muS.10ex, CLA(mu, covar, lB=0, uB=1))
## The results, summarized, as in Bayley and López de Prado (Table 2, p.18) :
with(CLA.10ex, round(cbind(MS_weights[,2:1], lambda=lambdas, t(weights_set)), 3))
CLA.10ex.1c <- with(muS.10ex, CLA(mu, covar, lB=1/100, uB=1))
round(CLA.10ex.1c$weights_set, 3)
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