ControlCharts: Parameter estimation and control chart construction

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s) References


Computes the COM-Poisson parameters (lambda and nu) for a given data set and plots any combination of the 3-sigma COM-Poisson Shewhart control chart, the 3-sigma classical Poisson Shewhart control chart, and the data set's true COM-Poisson probability limits.


ControlCharts(data, xlabel, ylabel, CMP=TRUE, P=TRUE, CMPProb=TRUE)



The data set in question, as a vector


The desired x-axis label, inputted in quotation marks


The desired y-axis label, inputted in quotation marks


Input CMP=TRUE to plot the 3-sigma COM-Poisson Shewhart control chart and CMP=FALSE to not plot it. Defaults to TRUE.


Input P=TRUE to plot the 3-sigma classical Poisson Shewhart control chart and P=FALSE to not plot it. Defaults to TRUE.


Input P=TRUE to plot the true CMP probability limits and P=FALSE to not plot them. Defaults to TRUE.


This function depends on the compoisson package.


ControlCharts plots any combination of the 3-sigma COM-Poisson Shewhart control chart, the 3-sigma classical Poisson Shewhart control chart, and the data set's true COM-Poisson probability limits. By default, the code overlays the three control charts. However, users may omit one or more control charts by switching the Boolean value of the control charts they wish to omit to FALSE when running the code.

The code also returns a list containing the following values:

CMP Lambda Hat and Nu Hat

CMP parameters Lambda and Nu for the given data

CMP Mean and Standard Deviation

The CMP mean and standard deviation of the data

CMP Shewhart Upper and Lower Bounds

3-Sigma upper and lower CMP bounds

Poisson Mean and Standard Deviation

The classical Poisson mean and standard deviation of the data

Poisson Shewhart Upper and Lower Bounds

3-Sigma upper and lower classical Poisson bounds

Upper Out of Control Observations

Observations that lay above the upper control limits

Lower Out of Control Observations

Observations that lay below the lower control limits

CMP Probability Limits

Values of the true CMP probability limits


Kimberly Sellers, Luis Costa


Sellers, Kimberly F. "A Generalized Statistical Control Chart for Over- or Under-Dispersed Data." Quality and Reliability Engineering International 2012. ; 28:59-65.

Saghir, A., Lin, Z., Abbasi, S. A., Ahmad, S. "The Use of Probability Limits of COM-Poisson Charts and their Applications." Quality and Reliability Engineering International 2013 ; 29:759-770.

CMPControl documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:17 a.m.