normsegs: A reference set of segments

normsegsR Documentation

A reference set of segments


A table of segment lengths and log copy number ratios for a large set of human diploid genomes.




A data matrix with 43497 rows/segments and 2 columns/variables.


a numeric vector of segment genomic length


a numeric vector of segment median computed from log copy number ratio


The table originates in a set of copy number profiles of over a 1000 individuals, obtained using Representational Oligonucleotide Microarray Analysis (ROMA) technology. To ensure ploidy of 2 segments from X and Y chromosomes and segemnts shorter than 5Mb were excluded.


Science. 2007 Apr 20;316(5823):445-9. Epub 2007 Mar 15.

Strong association of de novo copy number mutations with autism.

Sebat J, Lakshmi B, Malhotra D, Troge J, Lese-Martin C, Walsh T, Yamrom B, Yoon S, Krasnitz A, Kendall J, Leotta A, Pai D, Zhang R, Lee YH, Hicks J, Spence SJ, Lee AT, Puura K, Lehtimaki T, Ledbetter D, Gregersen PK, Bregman J, Sutcliffe JS, Jobanputra V, Chung W, Warburton D, King MC, Skuse D, Geschwind DH, Gilliam TC, Ye K, Wigler M.



CNprep documentation built on May 24, 2022, 5:05 p.m.

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