Man pages for CausalQueries
Make, Update, and Query Binary Causal Models

add_dotsHelper to fill in missing do operators in causal expression
add_wildcardAdds a wildcard for every missing parent
CausalQueries_internal_inherit_paramsCreate parameter documentation to inherit
causal_type_namesNames for causal types
check_argshelper to check arguments
check_queryWarn about improper query specification and apply fixes
check_string_inputCheck string_input
clean_conditionClean condition
clean_paramsCheck parameters sum to 1 in param_set; normalize if needed;...
clean_param_vectorClean parameter vector
collapse_dataMake compact data with data strategies
collapse_nodal_typescollapse nodal types
complementsMake statement for complements
data_to_datahelper to generate a matrix mapping from names of M to names...
data_type_namesData type names
decreasingMake monotonicity statement (negative)
democracy_dataDevelopment and Democratization: Data for replication of...
draw_causal_typeDraw a single causal type given a parameter vector
drop_empty_familiesDrop empty families
expand_dataExpand compact data object to data frame
expand_nodal_expressionHelper to expand nodal expression
expand_wildcardExpand wildcard
find_rounding_thresholdhelper to find rounding thresholds for print methods
get_all_data_typesGet all data types
get_ambiguities_matrixGet ambiguities matrix
get_causal_typesGet causal types
get_estimandshelper to get estimands
get_event_probabilitiesDraw event probabilities
get_nodal_typesGet list of types for nodes in a DAG
get_param_distGet a distribution of model parameters
get_parameter_matrixGet parameter matrix
get_parameter_namesGet parameter names
get_parentsGet list of parents of all nodes in a model
get_parmapGet parmap: a matrix mapping from parameters to data types
get_posterior_distributionGet the posterior distribution from a model
get_prior_distributionGet a prior distribution from model
get_query_typesLook up query types
get_type_distributionshelper to get type distributions
get_type_namesGet type names
get_type_probGet type probabilities
get_type_prob_cgenerates one draw from type probability distribution for...
get_type_prob_multipleDraw matrix of type probabilities, before or after estimation
get_type_prob_multiple_cgenerates n draws from type probability distribution for each...
gsub_manyRecursive substitution
increasingMake monotonicity statement (positive)
institutions_dataInstitutions and growth: Data for replication of analysis in...
interactsMake statement for any interaction
interpret_typeInterpret or find position in nodal type
is_a_modelCheck whether argument is a model
lipids_dataLipids: Data for Chickering and Pearl replication
list_non_parentsReturns a list with the nodes that are not directly pointing...
make_ambiguities_matrixMake ambiguities matrix
make_dataMake data
make_data_singleGenerate full dataset
make_eventsMake data in compact form
make_modelMake a model
make_nodal_typesMake nodal types
make_parameter_matrixMake parameter matrix
make_parameters_dffunction to make a parameters_df from nodal types
make_parmapMake parmap: a matrix mapping from parameters to data types
make_prior_distributionMake a prior distribution from priors
minimal_dataCreates a data frame for case with no data
minimal_event_dataCreates a compact data frame for case with no data
nodes_in_statementIdentify nodes in a statement
non_decreasingMake monotonicity statement (non negative)
non_increasingMake monotonicity statement (non positive)
observe_dataObserve data, given a strategy
parameter_settingSetting parameters
parents_to_intHelper to turn parents_list into a list of data_realizations...
permProduces the possible permutations of a set of nodes
plot_modelPlots a DAG in ggplot style using a causal model input
prep_stan_dataPrepare data for 'stan'
print.causal_modelPrint a short summary for a causal model
print.causal_typesPrint a short summary for causal_model causal-types
print.dagPrint a short summary for a causal_model DAG
print.event_probabilitiesPrint a short summary for event probabilities
print.model_queryPrint a tightened summary of model queries
print.nodal_typesPrint a short summary for causal_model nodal-types
print.nodesPrint a short summary for causal_model nodes
print.parameter_mappingPrint a short summary for paramater mapping matrix
print.parametersPrint a short summary for causal_model parameters
print.parameters_dfPrint a short summary for a causal_model parameters...
print.parameters_posteriorPrint a short summary for causal_model parameter posterior...
print.parameters_priorPrint a short summary for causal_model parameter prior...
print.parents_dfPrint a short summary for a causal_model parents data-frame
print.posterior_event_probabilitiesPrint a short summary of posterior_event_probabilities
print.stan_summaryPrint a short summary for stan fit
print.statementPrint a short summary for a causal_model statement
print.type_distributionPrint a short summary for causal-type posterior distributions
print.type_priorPrint a short summary for causal-type prior distributions
prior_settingSetting priors
queries_to_typeshelper to get types from queries
query_distributionCalculate query distribution
query_modelGenerate estimands dataframe
query_to_expressionHelper to turn query into a data expression
realise_outcomesRealise outcomes
restrict_by_labelsReduce nodal types using labels
restrict_by_queryReduce nodal types using statement
reveal_outcomesReveal outcomes
set_ambiguities_matrixSet ambiguity matrix
set_confoundSet confound
set_parameter_matrixSet parameter matrix
set_parmapSet parmap: a matrix mapping from parameters to data types
set_prior_distributionAdd prior distribution draws
set_restrictionsRestrict a model
set_sampling_argsset_sampling_args From 'rstanarm' (November 1st, 2019)
simulate_datasimulate_data is an alias for make_data
st_withinGet string between two regular expression patterns
substitutesMake statement for substitutes
summarise_distributionhelper to compute mean and sd of a distribution data.frame
summary.causal_modelSummarizing causal models
teMake treatment effect statement (positive)
type_matrixGenerate type matrix
uncollapse_nodal_typesuncollapse nodal types
unpack_wildcardUnpack a wild card
update_causal_typesUpdate causal types based on nodal types
update_modelFit causal model using 'stan'
CausalQueries documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:50 p.m.