
Defines functions hcaScores

Documented in hcaScores

#' HCA on PCA/MIA/PARAFAC scores from a Spectra or Spectra2D Object
#' A wrapper which performs HCA on the scores from a PCA of a
#' \code{\link[ChemoSpec]{Spectra}} object or POP/MIA/PARAFAC of a \code{\link[ChemoSpec2D]{Spectra2D}} object.
#' Many methods for computing the clusters and distances are
#' available.
#' @param spectra `r .writeDoc_Spectra3()`
#' @param so "Score Object" One of the following:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item An object of class \code{\link{prcomp}}, created by \code{ChemoSpec} functions
#'   \code{\link[ChemoSpec]{c_pcaSpectra}}, \code{\link[ChemoSpec]{r_pcaSpectra}},
#'   \code{\link[ChemoSpec]{irlba_pcaSpectra}} or \code{\link[ChemoSpec]{s_pcaSpectra}}.
#' \item An object of class \code{mia} produced by
#'  function \code{\link[ChemoSpec2D]{miaSpectra2D}}.
#' \item An object of class \code{parafac} produced by
#'  function \code{\link[ChemoSpec2D]{pfacSpectra2D}}.
#' \item An object of class \code{pop} produced by
#'  function \code{\link[ChemoSpec2D]{popSpectra2D}}.
#' }
#' Any of the above score objects will have been modified to include a
#' list element called \code{$method}, a character string describing the
#' pre-processing carried out and the type of PCA performed (used to annotate the
#' plot).
#' @param scores A vector of integers specifying the components (scores) to plot.
#' @param c.method A character string describing the clustering method; must be
#' acceptable to \code{\link{hclust}}.
#' @param d.method A character string describing the distance calculation
#' method; must be acceptable as a method in \code{\link{rowDist}}.
#' @param use.sym A logical; if true, use no color and use lower-case letters
#' to indicate group membership.  Applies only to \code{Spectra} objects.
#' @param leg.loc Character; if \code{"none"} no legend will be drawn.
#' Otherwise, any string acceptable to \code{\link{legend}}.
#' @param \dots `r .writeDoc_GraphicsDots()`
#' @return A list, containing an object of class \code{\link{hclust}} and an
#' object of class \code{\link{dendrogram}}.  The side effect is a plot.
#' @author `r .writeDoc_Authors("BH")`
#' @seealso \code{\link{hclust}} for the underlying function. See
#' \code{\link[ChemoSpec]{hcaSpectra}} for HCA of the entire data set stored in the
#' \code{\link[ChemoSpec]{Spectra}} object.
#' @keywords multivariate cluster
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (checkForPackageWithVersion("ChemoSpec", 6.0)) {
#'   library("ChemoSpec")
#'   data(metMUD1)
#'   pca <- c_pcaSpectra(metMUD1)
#'   hca <- hcaScores(metMUD1, pca, main = "metMUD1 NMR Data PCA Scores")
#' }
#' if (checkForPackageWithVersion("ChemoSpec2D", 0.5)) {
#'   library("ChemoSpec2D")
#'   data(MUD1)
#'   mia <- miaSpectra2D(MUD1)
#'   hca <- hcaScores(MUD1, mia, scores = 1:2, main = "MUD1 MIA Scores")
#'   set.seed(123)
#'   pfac <- pfacSpectra2D(MUD1, parallel = FALSE, nfac = 2)
#'   hca <- hcaScores(MUD1, pfac, scores = 1:2, main = "MUD1 PARAFAC Scores")
#' }
hcaScores <- function(spectra, so, scores = c(1:5),
                      c.method = "complete", d.method = "euclidean",
                      use.sym = FALSE, leg.loc = "topright", ...) {

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ChemoSpecUtils documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:12 a.m.