Man pages for ClimProjDiags
Set of Tools to Compute Various Climate Indices

AnoAgreePercentage of anomalies which agrees with the sign of the...
ArrayToListSplit an array into list by a given array dimension
ClimdexWrapper for applying the climdex routine ETCCDI climate...
CombineIndicesCombine weighted indices of n-dimensional arrays
DailyAnoDaily anomalies
DTRIndicatorDiurnal temperature range indicator (DTR) of multidimensional...
DTRRefDiurnal temperature range of multidimensional arrays
ExtremesSum of spell lengths exceeding daily threshold for...
Lon2IndexObtain the index of positions for a region in longitudes
SeasonSelectSelects a season from daily data for multidimensional arrays
SelBoxSelect spatial region from multidimensional arrays
ShiftLonShift longitudes of a data array
SubsetSubset a Data Array
ThresholdDaily thresholds based on quantiles for n-dimensional arrays
WaveDurationHeat and cold waves duration for n-dimensional arrays
WeightedCellsCompute the square-root of the cosine of the latitude...
WeightedMeanCalculate spatial area-weighted average of multidimensional...
ClimProjDiags documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:56 a.m.