SeasonSelect: Selects a season from daily data for multidimensional arrays

View source: R/SeasonSelect.R

SeasonSelectR Documentation

Selects a season from daily data for multidimensional arrays


This function selects the daily data corresponding to the specified season.


SeasonSelect(data, season, dates = NULL, timedim = NULL, calendar = NULL)



A numeric multidimensional array containing daily data.


A charcater string indicating the season by the three months initials in capitals: 'DJF' for winter (summer), 'MAM' spring (autumn), 'JJA' for summer (winter) or 'SON' for autumn (spring) in the northern (southern) hemisphere.


A vector of dates with a calendar attributes. If NULL (by default), the 'time' attributes of parameter 'data' are considered.


An integer number indicating the position of the time dimension in the parameter data. If NULL (by default), the dimension called 'time' in parameter data.


A character indicating the calendar type.


A list of length 2:

  • $data, a vector or array containing the daily values for the selected season, with the same dimensions as data input but the 'time' dimension reduce to the number of days corresponding to the selected season.

  • $dates, a vector of dates reduce to the number of days corresponding to the selected season.


## Example with synthetic data:
data <- 1:(2 * 3 * (366 + 365) * 2)
dim(data) <- c(lon = 2, lat = 3, time = 366 + 365, model = 2)
time <- seq(ISOdate(1903,1,1), ISOdate(1904,12,31), "days")
time <- as.POSIXct(time, tz = "CET")
metadata <- list(time = list(standard_name = 'time', long_name = 'time', 
                            calendar = 'noleap',
                            units = 'days since 1970-01-01 00:00:00', 
                            prec = 'double', 
                            dim = list(list(name ='time', unlim = FALSE))))
attr(time, "variables") <- metadata
attr(data, 'Variables')$dat1$time <- time
attr(data, 'Variables')$dat2$time <- time
attr(data, 'Variables')$common[[2]]$dim[[3]]$len = length(time)
attr(data, 'Variables')$common[[2]]$dim[[3]]$vals <- time

a <- SeasonSelect(data = data, season = 'JJA')

ClimProjDiags documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:56 a.m.