Man pages for CompAREdesign
Statistical Functions for the Design of Studies with Composite Endpoints

ARE_cbeARE method for composite binary endpoints
ARE_tteARE method for composite time to event endpoints
CompAREdesign-packageCompAREdesign: Statistical Functions for the Design of...
CopulaSelectionCopula object
dClaytonClayton's copula
dFGMFGM copula
dFrankFrank's copula
dGumbelGumbel's copula
dNormalNormal copula
effectsize_cbeEffect for composite binary endpoints
effectsize_tteEffect for composite time-to-event endpoints
freedman_formulaFreedman's formula
f_simSimulation 1-arm
lower_corrLower bound for Pearson's Correlation
MarginalsSelectionMarginal distributions for both components
plot_ttePlot graphics related to the composite endpoint.
prob_cbeProbability of composite binary endpoints
samplesize_cbeSample size for composite binary endpoints
samplesize_tteSample size for composite time to event endpoints
schoenfeld_formulaSchoenfeld's formula
simula_cbeSimulation of binary composite endpoints
simula_tteSimulation of composite time-to-event endpoints
SstarSurvival function for composite endpoint
Sstar_func_percDifference between survival function and a given percentile
surv_tteSurvival function for composite time-to-event endpoints
upper_corrUpper bound for Pearson's Correlation
CompAREdesign documentation built on Oct. 2, 2022, 5:08 p.m.