
Defines functions e_matrix fuzzyconcordance

Documented in fuzzyconcordance

#'Normalized Degree of Concordance (NDC) and Adjusted Concordance Index (ACI)
#'Given two fuzzy (Ruspini) partitions, it compute the NDC and the ACI. NDC is the fuzzy version
#'of the Rand Index, as well as ACI is the fuzzy version of the Adjusted Rand Index
#' @param P A fuzzy partition. It has to be a matrix with n rows and k columns. 
#' Each column is expression of the degree of membership of the i-th row over the k partitions (see details).
#' @param Q A fuzzy partition. It has to be a matrix with n rows and h columns. 
#' Each column is expression of the degree of membership of the i-th row over the h partitions (see details).  
#' @param nperms number of permutations necessary to compute ACI. Default: 1000
#' @details Both P and Q, or only one of those, can be crisp (or hard) partitions. In this case, each row must contain
#' either 0 or 1, and the sum of the i-th row must be 1. In other words, either P or Q (or both) are
#' expressed in terms of dummy coding. If both partitions are crisp, then NDC is equal to Rand Index 
#' and ACI is equal to Adjusted Rand Index.
#' This function can be used to externally validate the output of any fuzzy clustering method
#' @return A list containing:
#' \tabular{lll}{
#' ACI \tab \tab the Adjusted Concordance Index\cr
#' NDC \tab \tab the Normalized Degree of Concordance
#' }
#' @examples
#' #two random fuzzy partitions
#' P = rbind(c(0.5259,  0.1656,    0.3085),
#' c(0.5623,    0.1036,    0.3341),
#' c(0.2508,    0.1849,    0.5643),
#' c(0.5654,    0.1934,    0.2413),
#' c(0.4529,    0.1679,    0.3792),
#' c(0.2390,    0.1758,    0.5852),
#' c(0.3114,    0.1743,    0.5143),
#' c(0.4188,    0.1392,    0.4420),
#' c(0.5830,    0.1655,    0.2514),
#' c(0.5860,    0.1171,    0.2969),
#' c(0.2630,    0.1706,    0.5664),
#' c(0.5882,    0.1032,    0.3086),
#' c(0.5829,    0.1277,    0.2894),
#' c(0.3942,    0.1046,    0.5012),
#' c(0.5201,    0.1097,    0.3702),
#' c(0.2568,    0.1823,    0.5609),
#' c(0.3687,    0.1695,    0.4618),
#' c(0.5663,    0.1317,    0.3020),
#' c(0.5169,    0.1950,    0.2881),
#' c(0.5838,    0.1034,    0.3128))
#' Q = rbind(c(0.4494,    0.3755,    0.1751),
#' c(0.5219,    0.3526,    0.1255),
#' c(0.3432,    0.5062,    0.1506),
#' c(0.3120,    0.5181,    0.1699),
#' c(0.5362,    0.2747,    0.1891),
#' c(0.4082,    0.3959,    0.1959),
#' c(0.4670,    0.3782,    0.1547),
#' c(0.4276,    0.4585,    0.1139),
#' c(0.4013,    0.4837,    0.1149),
#' c(0.3724,    0.5019,    0.1258),
#' c(0.5055,    0.3104,    0.1841),
#' c(0.4027,    0.4719,    0.1254),
#' c(0.3565,    0.4620,    0.1814),
#' c(0.6106,    0.2650,    0.1244),
#' c(0.5595,    0.2476,    0.1929),
#' c(0.4657,    0.3993,    0.1350),
#' c(0.2964,    0.5839,    0.1197),
#' c(0.5387,    0.3362,    0.1251),
#' c(0.4043,    0.4341,    0.1616),
#' c(0.5631,    0.2895,    0.1473))
#' ci <- fuzzyconcordance(P,Q) 
#' #generate a random fuzzy partition with two components (clusters)
#' Q2 <- matrix(runif(20),ncol=1)
#' Q2 <- cbind(Q2,1-Q2)
#' ci2 <- fuzzyconcordance(P,Q2)
#' #generate a random crisp partition
#' P2 <- t(rmultinom(20,1,c(0.3,0.3,0.4)))
#' ci3 <- fuzzyconcordance(P2,Q)
#' #--------------------
#' \dontrun{
#' # install.packages("Rankcluster")
#' library("Rankcluster") # model-based clustering algorithm for
#'                      #  ranking data by Biernacki and Jacques (2013)
#'                      #  <doi:10.1016/j.csda.2012.08.008>
#' data(APA)
#' set.seed(136) #for reproducibility
#' rcres <- rankclust(APA$data,K=3)  # solution with 3 centers, it takes about 75 seconds
#' ##
#' ccares <- cca(APA$data,k=3) #solution with 3 components, it takes about 7 seconds
#' ##
#' ci <- fuzzyconcordance(rcres[3]@tik,ccares$pk)
#' ci$ACI  # 0.0226 means that the two partitions are similar (see NDC below), 
#'         # but their similarity is mainly due to chance
#' ci$NDC
#' }
#' @references 
#' D’Ambrosio, A., Amodio, S., Iorio, C., Pandolfo, G. and Siciliano, R. (2021).
#'  Adjusted Concordance Index: an Extension of the Adjusted Rand Index to Fuzzy Partitions. 
#'  Journal of Classification vol. 38(1), pp. 112–128 (2021). DOI: 10.1007/s00357-020-09367-0
#' Hullermeier, E., Rifqi, M., Henzgen, S., and Senge, R. (2012). Comparing fuzzy partitions: a generalization of the 
#' Rand index and related measures. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 20(3), 546–556. DOI: 10.1109/TFUZZ.2011.2179303
#' @author Antonio D'Ambrosio \email{antdambr@unina.it}
#' @seealso \code{\link{cca}}
#' @importFrom stats rmultinom
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @export

fuzzyconcordance <- function(P,Q,nperms=1000){ 
  if(is(P,"data.frame")){P <- as-matrix(P)}
  if(is(Q,"data.frame")){Q <- as.matrix(Q)}
  m <- nrow(P)
  n <- nrow(Q)

  if (m != n){
    stop("The partitions must have the same number of rows. The partitions are referred to the same statistical units")
  E_P <- e_matrix(P)
  E_Q <- e_matrix(Q)
  NDC <- 1 - ( sum(abs(E_P - E_Q) )/(m*((m-1)/2)) ) #Hullermeier NDC

    #generate permutations
  pm <- matrix( runif(m*nperms), nrow=m )

  allp <- apply(pm,2,order)
  fun4aci <- function(aa,bb,cc,dd){
    1 - ( sum(abs(aa-bb[dd,dd]     ) )/(cc*((cc-1))) )


  ep <- as.matrix(E_P)
  eq <- as.matrix(E_Q)

  NDCs <- sapply(1:nperms, function(col) fun4aci(aa=ep,bb=eq,cc=m,dd=allp[,col]))
  mNDC <- mean(NDCs)
  ACI <- (NDC-mNDC) / (1-mNDC)



#' @importFrom proxy dist

e_matrix <- function(x){
  # em <- as.matrix(1-(0.5*dist(x,method="manhattan")))
  # em <- em[lower.tri(em)]

  em <- 1-(0.5*dist(x,method="manhattan"))

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ConsRankClass documentation built on Sept. 28, 2021, 5:10 p.m.