

### Set parameters
full.data <- ContRespPP::exData

X <- full.data[,c(2:14)]
Y <- as.matrix(full.data[,1], ncol = 1)

theta.t <- 0.8
phi.0 <- 400

beta.mean <- matrix(c(400, 50, 50, -25, -50, 100, 100, rep(0, 6)),ncol=1)
beta.precision <- matrix(c(1/10000, 1/10000, 1/10000, 1/2500, 1/2500, 1/10000, 1/10000, rep(1/10000,6)), ncol=1)
shape <- 0.0001
rate <- 0.0001

prob<-matrix(c(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 1/2, 1/2, 4/9, 5/9, 1/3, 1/3, 1/3, 1/2, 1/2, 1/2, 1/2), ncol=2, dimnames=list(NULL, c("factor", "probability")))


colnames.pick<-c("eta", "alpha", "beta", "omega2", "omega3", "theta", "gamma", "alphabeta", "alphatheta", "alphagamma", "betatheta", "betagamma", "thetagamma", "tau")





# Run predictive results (base R)
predictive_results <- gibbs.sampler.predictive(
  X = X,
  Y = Y,
  n.seen = n.seen,
  beta.mean = beta.mean,
  beta.precision = beta.precision,
  shape = shape,
  rate = rate,
  n.sim = n.sim,
  y.burnin = y.burnin,
  b.sim = b.sim,
  b.burnin = b.burnin,
  phi.0 = phi.0,
  theta.t = theta.t,
  prob = prob,
  factor.no.2way = factor.no.2way,
  colnames.pick = colnames.pick,
  seed = 512

# Run posterior results (base R)
posterior_results <- gibbs.sampler.posterior(
  X = X[1:75,],
  Y = Y[1:75],
  beta.mean = beta.mean,
  beta.precision = beta.precision,
  shape = shape,
  rate = rate,
  phi.0 = phi.0,
  b.sim = b.sim,
  b.burnin = b.burnin,
  prob = prob,
  factor.no.2way = factor.no.2way,
  colnames.pick = colnames.pick,
  seed = 512

# Removed from CRAN tests: Only run locally
# # Run predictive results (rjags)
# predictive_results_jags <- gibbs.sampler.predictive.rjags(
#   X = X,
#   Y = Y,
#   n.seen = n.seen,
#   beta.mean = beta.mean,
#   beta.precision = beta.precision,
#   shape = shape,
#   rate = rate,
#   n.sim = 1000,
#   y.burnin = 100,
#   b.sim = 20000,
#   b.burnin = 2000,
#   phi.0 = phi.0,
#   theta.t = theta.t,
#   prob = prob,
#   factor.no.2way = factor.no.2way,
#   colnames.pick = colnames.pick
# )
# # Run posterior results (rjags)
# posterior_results_rjags <- gibbs.sampler.posterior.rjags(
#   X = X[1:75,],
#   Y = Y[1:75],
#   beta.mean = beta.mean,
#   beta.precision = beta.precision,
#   shape = shape,
#   rate = rate,
#   phi.0 = phi.0,
#   b.sim = 50000,
#   b.burnin = 5000,
#   prob = prob,
#   factor.no.2way = factor.no.2way,
#   colnames.pick = colnames.pick
# )

### Runs tests on resulting objects elements

# Predictive (base R)
testthat::test_that("base R predictive pp works", {
  testthat::expect_equal(predictive_results$pp, 0.7)
testthat::test_that("base R predictive posterior works", {
      eta = 347.54094,
      alpha = 49.919477,
      beta = 24.046309,
      omega2 = -12.109324,
      omega3 = 6.0590025,
      theta = 105.425247,
      gamma = 42.983682,
      alphabeta = -15.8259474,
      alphatheta = 44.147483,
      alphagamma = 17.2665694,
      betatheta = 37.598518,
      betagamma = 44.983309,
      thetagamma = 7.0175283,
      tau = 0.00041002082,
      row.names = as.integer(10)
testthat::test_that("base R predictive indicator works", {
  testthat::expect_equal(predictive_results$indicator, c(1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1))

# Posterior (base R)
testthat::test_that("base R posterior probability works", {
  expect_equal(posterior_results$probability, 0.8)
testthat::test_that("base R predictive posterior works", {
      eta = 372.0181307702488311,
      alpha = 72.4334729407908640,
      beta = 5.6437250088257507,
      omega2 = -18.9518715921377172,
      omega3 = -13.0444823033842709,
      theta = 62.9324083169688535,
      gamma = 25.3786141418328413,
      alphabeta = -25.0701648123980192,
      alphatheta = 48.6332235669522959,
      alphagamma = 28.6441252117864664,
      betatheta = 71.03357877,
      betagamma = 37.55655942,
      thetagamma = 25.13565349,
      tau = 0.00042312,
      m = 372.01813077

# ## Only run rjags test locally. Removed from CRAN.
# # Predictive (rjags)
# testthat::test_that("rjags predictive pp works", {
#   testthat::expect_true(
#     predictive_results_jags$pp >= 0.990 &
#       predictive_results_jags$pp <= 1.0000
#   )
# })
# jagsPred_postMeans <- colMeans(predictive_results_jags$posterior)
# testthat::test_that("rjags predictive posterior works", {
#   testthat::expect_true(jagsPred_postMeans['eta'] > 361 & jagsPred_postMeans['eta'] < 365, label = "eta")
#   testthat::expect_true(jagsPred_postMeans['alpha'] > 56.8 & jagsPred_postMeans['alpha'] < 59.2, label = "alpha")
#   testthat::expect_true(jagsPred_postMeans['beta'] > 14 & jagsPred_postMeans['beta'] < 18.5, label = "beta")
#   testthat::expect_true(jagsPred_postMeans['omega2'] > -14 & jagsPred_postMeans['omega2'] < -11.5, label = "omega2")
#   testthat::expect_true(jagsPred_postMeans['omega3'] > -9.3 & jagsPred_postMeans['omega3'] < -7, label = "omega3")
#   testthat::expect_true(jagsPred_postMeans['theta'] > 60 & jagsPred_postMeans['theta'] < 63, label = "theta")
#   testthat::expect_true(jagsPred_postMeans['gamma'] > 54 & jagsPred_postMeans['gamma'] < 57.5, label = "gamma")
#   testthat::expect_true(jagsPred_postMeans['alphabeta'] > -18 & jagsPred_postMeans['alphabeta'] < -13.5, label = "alphabeta")
#   testthat::expect_true(jagsPred_postMeans['alphatheta'] > 43 & jagsPred_postMeans['alphatheta'] < 46.5, label = "alphatheta")
#   testthat::expect_true(jagsPred_postMeans['alphagamma'] > 13 & jagsPred_postMeans['alphagamma'] < 16, label = "alphagamma")
#   testthat::expect_true(jagsPred_postMeans['betatheta'] > 66 & jagsPred_postMeans['betatheta'] < 69.5, label = "betatheta")
#   testthat::expect_true(jagsPred_postMeans['betagamma'] > 15.5 & jagsPred_postMeans['betagamma'] < 18.5, label = "betagamma")
#   testthat::expect_true(jagsPred_postMeans['thetagamma'] > 23.5 & jagsPred_postMeans['thetagamma'] < 27.5, label = "thetagamma")
# })
# # Posterior (rjags)
# testthat::test_that("rjags posterior probability works", {
#   testthat::expect_true(
#     posterior_results_rjags$probability > 0.81 &
#       posterior_results_rjags$probability < 0.83
#   )
# })

# Clean up environment after tests
rm(full.data, X, Y, n.seen, beta.mean, beta.precision, rate, shape,
   n.sim, y.burnin, b.sim, b.burnin, phi.0, theta.t, prob, factor.no.2way, colnames.pick,
   posterior_results, predictive_results)#, posterior_results_rjags, predictive_results_jags)

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ContRespPP documentation built on Oct. 16, 2022, 1:06 a.m.