
Defines functions MSE2.0

# 'coucou

MSE2.0 <- function(X_appr = X_appr, B = B, Z = Z, X_test = X_test, Y_appr = Y_appr, Y_test = Y_test, A = A, type = "lar", moyenne = TRUE, compl_lars = TRUE, expl_lars = TRUE, pred_lars = TRUE) {
  # mod?le complet####
  res_lars_compl = lars(X_appr, Y_appr, type = type)
  mod_complBIC = meilleur_lars(res_lars_compl, X = X_appr, Y = Y_appr)
  BIC_compl = BIC(mod_complBIC)

  # mod?le explicatif####
  quiI1 = which(colSums(Z) == 0)
  X_appr_expl = X_appr[, quiI1]

  res_lars_expl = lars(x = X_appr_expl, y = Y_appr, type = type)
  mod_explBIC = meilleur_lars(res_lars_expl, X = X_appr_expl, Y = Y_appr)
  BIC_expl = BIC(mod_explBIC)
  # mod?le pr?dictif
  Ytilde_larsBIC = as.matrix(mod_explBIC$residuals)
  Xtilde_larsBIC = as.matrix(extract_Xtilde(X = X_appr, B = B))
  res_lars_pred = lars(Xtilde_larsBIC, Ytilde_larsBIC, intercept = FALSE, type = type)
  mod_inj_lars = meilleur_lars(res_lars_pred, X = Xtilde_larsBIC, Y = Ytilde_larsBIC, intercept = FALSE)

  compl_lars = mean((Y_test - predict(mod_complBIC, newdata = data.frame(X_test)))^2)
  expl_lars = mean((Y_test - predict(mod_explBIC, newdata = data.frame(X_test)))^2)
  #    mod_pred=mon_predict_pred2(mod_expl=mod_explBIC,mod_inj=mod_inj_lars,newdata=data.frame(X_test),B=B)
  #    pred_lars=mean((Y_test-mod_pred$hatY)^2)
  #    theta=mod_pred$hatA
  #    BIC_pred=calcul_BIC_theta(theta=as.matrix(c(apply(Y_test-mod_pred$hatY,2,sd),mod_pred$hatA)),X=X_appr,Y=Y_appr,k=(1+length(mod_pred$hatA)))
  pred_lars = NULL
  BIC_pred = NULL
  vraimod = mean((Y_test - cbind(rep(1, times = nrow(X_test)), X_test) %*% A)^2)
  BIC_vrai = calcul_BIC_theta(theta = as.matrix(c(apply(Y_appr - cbind(rep(1, times = nrow(X_appr)), X_appr) %*% A, 2, sd), A)), X = X_appr, Y = Y_appr, k = (1 + length(A[A != 0])))

  moyenne = mean((Y_test - mean(Y_appr))^2)
  # bilan####
  return(list(compl.lars = compl_lars, expl.lars = expl_lars, pred.lars = pred_lars, vraimod = vraimod, moyenne = moyenne, BIC_expl = BIC_expl, BIC_compl = BIC_compl, BIC_pred = BIC_pred, BIC_vrai = BIC_vrai))

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CorReg documentation built on Feb. 20, 2020, 5:07 p.m.