
Defines functions cleanZR2

# ' To clean Z based on R2
# ' @export
# ' @param Z binary adjacency matrix of the structure (size p)
# ' @param X the dataset
# ' @param R2min lower boundary for the structure (on R-squared value)
# ' @param methode parameter for OLS (matrix inversion) methode_BIC  parameter for OLS (matrix inversion) 1:householderQr, 2:colPivHouseholderQr
# ' @param adj boolean. Adjusted R-squared or classical one (if FALSE).
cleanZR2 <- function(Z = Z, X = X, R2min = 0.4, methode = 1, adj = TRUE) {
  p = ncol(Z)
  res = double(p)
  res_new = res
  quicol = which(colSums(Z) != 0)
  for (i in quicol) {
    qui = which(Z[, i] != 0)
    ploc = length(qui)
    beta = OLS(X = X[, qui], Y = X[, i], intercept = TRUE, methode = methode)$beta
    MSE = MSE_loc(Y = X[, i], X = as.matrix(X[, qui]), intercept = TRUE, A = beta) # on met as.matrix pour les cas avec une seule colonne
    res[i] = 1 - (MSE) / (var((X[, i])))
    if (adj) {
      res[i] = res[i] - (1 - res[i]) * ploc / (ncol(X) - ploc - 1)
    if (res[i] < R2min) { # on supprime ce qui est pourri
      Z[, i] = 0
    } else {
      res_new[i] = res[i]
  return(list(Z = Z, res_old = res, res_new = res_new))

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