Defines functions OLS

# ' Ordinary Least Square efficiently computed
# '
# ' @param X the covariates (double)
# ' @param Y the response
# ' @param intercept (boolean) is an intercept intended ?
# ' @param sigma (boolean) is it necessary to compute the standard deviation of errors ?
# ' @param Bic (boolean) is the BIC criterion computation intended ?
# ' @param methode parameter for OLS (matrix inversion) methode_BIC  parameter for OLS (matrix inversion) 1:householderQr, 2:colPivHouseholderQr
# ' @param miss to indicate wether there are missing values in X (miss=1) or not (miss=0) next version would allow missing values in Y
# ' @param nbit number of iteration for SEM
# ' @param nbclustmax max number of cluster for mixmod (ignored if miss=0)
# ' @param M binary matrix (size of X) with 1 where X is missing
# ' @param mixmod Gaussian Mixture hypothesis if needed. Or result of calcul_BIC_mixmod(X=X,nbclustmax=nbclustmax,bla=F,details=TRUE)
# ' @export
OLS <- function(X = X, Y = Y, M = NULL, intercept = FALSE, sigma = FALSE, Bic = FALSE, methode = 1, miss = 0, mixmod = NULL, nbit = 100, nbclustmax = 10) {
   p = ncol(X)
   if (miss & nbit > 0) {
      if (is.null(mixmod)) {
         mixmod = density_estimation(X = X, nbclustmax = nbclustmax, verbose = FALSE, detailed = TRUE)
         mixmod = mixmod_adapter(mixmod = mixmod)
      if (is.null(M)) {
         M = 0 * X
         M[is.na(M)] = 1
         X[is.na(X)] = 0
      quimank = which(M == 1, arr.ind = TRUE) # sparse version of M

      resmat = matrix(ncol = ncol(X) + intercept + sigma, nrow = nbit)
      for (i in 1:nbit) {
         for (j in 1:nrow(quimank)) { # optimisable en calculant probas une fois seulement par variable
            probas = mixmod$details[mixmod$details[, 4] == quimank[j, 2], 1] # proportions de chaque classe
            #         cat(probas);cat("ok");cat(j);cat(quimank[j,2])
            quelclasse = sample(length(probas), size = 1, prob = probas) # on tire une classe
            # on impute selon la classe choisie
            #         cat(quelclasse)
            #         cat((mixmod$details[,4]==quimank[j,2]))
            #         cat((mixmod$details[,4]==quimank[j,2])[quelclasse])
            meanloc = mixmod$details[(mixmod$details[, 4] == quimank[j, 2]), 2][quelclasse]
            sdloc = sqrt(mixmod$details[(mixmod$details[, 4] == quimank[j, 2]), 3][quelclasse])
            val = rnorm(1, mean = meanloc, sd = sdloc)
            #         cat(val)
            X[quimank[j, 1], quimank[j, 2]] = val
         res = .Call("OLS", X, as.double(Y), intercept, sigma, F, methode, PACKAGE = "CorReg")
         resmat = rbind(resmat, c(res$sigma, res$beta))
         resmat[i, ] = c(res$sigma, res$beta)
      result = list()
      if (sigma) {
         result$sigma = mean(resmat[, 1])
         result$beta = colMeans(resmat[, -1])
      } else {
         result$beta = colMeans(resmat)
      if (Bic) {
         result$BIC = NULL # BicTheta(X,)#version modifiee qui tient compte des melanges

   } else {
      if (any(is.na(X))) {
         ou = unique(which(is.na(X), arr.ind = TRUE)[, 1])
         X = X[-ou, ]
         Y = Y[-ou]
      if (any(is.na(Y))) {
         ou = which(is.na(Y))
         Y = Y[-ou]
         X = X[-ou, ]
      if (length(Y) > 0) {
         res = .Call("OLS", matrix(X, ncol = p), as.double(Y), intercept, sigma, Bic, methode, PACKAGE = "CorReg")
      } else {
         warning("not any complete line")
         res = list(beta = NA)

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