
Defines functions pCorShrinkData

Documented in pCorShrinkData

#' @title Adaptive shrinkage of partial correlations from a data matrix
#' @description Performs adaptive shrinkage of the sample inverse covariances and
#' consequently partial correlation matrix starting from a data matrix ( no NA
#' permitted unlike \code{CorShrinkData}). The procedure of shrinkage combines
#' inverse covariance derivations from the ISEE algorithm of [Fan and Lv, 2016]
#' with the \code{CorShrink} formulation.
#' @param dat The samples by features data matrix. Does not permit NA entries in X.
#' @param permu_type Determines if the columns of the data matrix (the features)
#'                   are permuted randomly before blocking in the ISEE algorithm
#'                   [see reference] or not.Takes one of two character input values
#'                   - "random" and "ordered" - depending on if the columns are permuted
#'                   or not.
#' @param reg_type Either equals \code{lm} or \code{glmnet} indicating the type of regression
#'                 used for the ISEE algorithm. If the number of samples is less
#'                 than the number of features, the \code{reg_type} automatically
#'                 reverts to \code{glmnet}.
#' @param glmnet_alpha The alpha parameter ( a value between 0 and 1) as in the argument \code{alpha}
#'                     in \code{glmnet} or \code{cv.glmnet} function of the glmnet
#'                     package. When \code{glmnet_alpha=1}, it assumes a Lasso
#'                     (L1) penalty on the regression and for  \code{glmnet_alpha=0},
#'                      it assumes the ridge (L2) penalty. Only applicable when
#'                      \code{reg_type="glmnet"}. Defaults to 1.
#' @param glmnet_nfolds The number of folds of cross validation carried out in
#'                      the \code{cv.glmnet} function of the glmnet package as
#'                      part of the regression model estimation when
#'                       \code{reg_type="glmnet"}. Defaults to 5.
#' @param thresh_up Upper threshold for correlations. Defaults to 0.99
#' @param thresh_down Lower threshold for correlations. Defaults to -0.99.
#' @param maxiter The maximum number of iterations run for the adaptive shrinkage EM algorithm.
#'                 Default is 1000.
#' @param ash.control The control parameters for adaptive shrinkage
#' @return Returns an adaptively shrunk version of the inverse covariance matrix and
#'         the partial correlation matrix estimate.
#' @references  False Discovery Rates: A New Deal. Matthew Stephens bioRxiv 038216;
#'              doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/038216
#'              Fan, Y. and Lv, J., 2016. Innovated scalable efficient estimation
#'              in ultra-large Gaussian graphical models. The Annals of Statistics, 44(5), pp.2098-2126.
#' @keywords adaptive shrinkage, inverse covariance, partial correlation
#' @importFrom stats cor sd lm coef
#' @importFrom corpcor cor2pcor
#' @importFrom glmnet cv.glmnet
#' @importFrom MASS mvrnorm
#' @export

pCorShrinkData <- function(dat,
                           permu_type = c("random", "ordered"),
                           reg_type = "lm",
                           glmnet_alpha = NULL,
                           glmnet_nfolds = 5,
                           thresh_up = 0.99,
                           thresh_down = -0.99,
                           maxiter = 1000,
                           ash.control = list()){

  if(nrow(dat) < ncol(dat) & reg_type == "lm"){
    message("Number of samples less than number of features, switching to glmnet regression")
    reg_type = "glmnet"
    glmnet_alpha = 1
    message("using the default alpha = 1 for glmnet: same as Lasso. Change glmnet_alpha between 0 and 1
            for further options, alpha = 0 -> ridge, alpha = 0.5 -> elastic net")
  }else if(reg_type == "glmnet" & is.null(glmnet_alpha)){
    glmnet_alpha = 1
    message("glmnet_alpha not provided, running Lasso regression (glmnet_alpha=1). Change glmnet_alpha between 0 and 1
            for further options, alpha = 0 -> ridge, alpha = 0.5 -> elastic net")

  if(length(permu_type) > 1){
    permu_type <- "ordered"

  if(permu_type == "ordered"){
    permu <- 1:dim(dat)[2]
    permu <- sample.int(dim(dat)[2])

  dat <- dat[, permu]
  K <- 2
  dat_scaled = scale(dat, center=F, scale=T)/sqrt(nrow(dat)-1)
  y.norm = attr(dat_scaled,"scale")*sqrt(nrow(dat)-1)
  i.index <- seq(1,ncol(dat)-1,by=K)
  dat_tilde = matrix(0, nrow=nrow(dat), ncol=ncol(dat))
  p = ncol(dat)
  n = nrow(dat)

  for (k in 1:length(i.index)){
    i = i.index[k]


    block.ind = c(i,j)
    if(reg_type == "lm"){
      temp= lm(dat_scaled[, block.ind] ~ dat_scaled[, -block.ind] - 1)
      beta.coef = temp$coefficients
    }else if (reg_type == "glmnet"){
      temp1 = glmnet::cv.glmnet(dat_scaled[,-block.ind], dat_scaled[,block.ind[1]],
                        intercept=FALSE, alpha = glmnet_alpha, nfolds = glmnet_nfolds)
      temp2 = glmnet::cv.glmnet(dat_scaled[,-block.ind], dat_scaled[,block.ind[2]],
                        intercept=FALSE, alpha = glmnet_alpha, nfolds = glmnet_nfolds)
      beta.coef = as.matrix(cbind(coef(temp1, s=temp1$lambda.1se),
                                  coef(temp2, s=temp2$lambda.1se))[-1,])
      stop("reg_type must be either lm or glmnet")

    temp2 = scale(dat_scaled[,-block.ind] %*% beta.coef, center=F, scale=1/y.norm[block.ind])
    epsi <- dat[, block.ind] - temp2
    omega <- solve(t(epsi)%*%epsi/n)
    dat_tilde[,block.ind] =  as.matrix(epsi%*%omega)

  dat_tilde = dat_tilde[,order(permu)]
  out <- CorShrinkData(dat_tilde, image = "null", sd_boot = FALSE,
                       thresh_up = thresh_up,
                       thresh_down = thresh_down,
                       maxiter = maxiter,
                       ash.control = ash.control)
  pcorShrink <- -as.matrix(out$cor)
  diag(pcorShrink) <- 1

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CorShrink documentation built on July 13, 2018, 1 a.m.