
Defines functions coco .coco

Documented in coco

.coco <- function(A, B, nodes, fdr = 0.01, collocates = NULL) {
    if (! "data.frame" %in% class(A)) stop("'A' must be a data.frame.")
    if (! "data.frame" %in% class(B)) stop("'B' must be a data.frame.")
    if (! identical(c(x = "character", y = "character", H = "integer", M = "integer"), sapply(A, class))) stop("'A' looks wrong. Please check the required form of A.")
    if (! identical(c(x = "character", y = "character", H = "integer", M = "integer"), sapply(B, class))) stop("'B' looks wrong. Please check the required form of B.")
    if (! is.character(nodes) | length(nodes) < 1) stop("'nodes' must be a character vector of at least length one.")
    if (! is.numeric(fdr) || length(fdr) > 1) stop("'fdr' must be a single number.")
    if (fdr <= 0.0 || fdr > 1.0) stop("'fdr' must be greater than zero and less than or equal to zero.")
    if (length(collocates) != 0 && ! is.character(collocates)) stop("'collocates' must be a character vector.")

    # hack to stop R CMD check warnings
    x <- y <- H <- M <- H_A <- H_B <- M_A <- M_B <- p_adjusted <- p_value <- i.T <- NULL

    # always use data.frames internally
    A <- as.data.table(A)
    setkey(A, x, y)
    B <- as.data.table(B)
    setkey(B, x, y)

    # filter by collocates
    if (length(collocates) != 0) {
        A <- A[y %in% collocates]
        B <- B[y %in% collocates]

    # filter by nodes and combine
    DT <- merge(A[list(nodes)], B[list(nodes)], by = c("x", "y"), suffixes = c("_A", "_B"), all = TRUE)
    # if pair missing in one corpus must be replaced by no hits and all misses
    # total possible hits for each node
    A_max <- A[list(nodes)][! duplicated(x), list(x, T = H + M)]
    A_max[is.na(T), T := 0]
    setkey(A_max, x)
    B_max <- B[list(nodes)][! duplicated(x), list(x, T = H + M)]
    B_max[is.na(T), T := 0]
    setkey(B_max, x)
    DT[A_max, M_A := ifelse(is.na(M_A), i.T, M_A), on = "x"]
    DT[is.na(H_A), H_A := 0]
    DT[B_max, M_B := ifelse(is.na(M_B), i.T, M_B), on = "x"]
    DT[is.na(H_B), H_B := 0]

    DT <- na.omit(DT)  # will get NA"s for y if a node is not in either x

    if (nrow(DT) > 0) {
        # Fisher
        # calculating the confidence interval is expensive so we will only do it for the significant values
        DT[, c("p_value", "effect_size", "CI_lower", "CI_upper") := fisher(H_A, H_B, M_A, M_B), by = 1:nrow(DT)]
        # FDR
        DT[, p_adjusted := p.adjust(p_value, method = "BH"), by = x]
        DT <- DT[p_adjusted <= fdr]
    } else {
        # still need the columns for consistent output
        DT[, c("p_value", "effect_size", "CI_lower", "CI_upper", "p_adjusted") := list(numeric(), numeric(), numeric(), numeric(), numeric())]

    setcolorder(DT, c("x", "y", "H_A", "M_A", "H_B", "M_B", "effect_size", "CI_lower", "CI_upper", "p_value", "p_adjusted"))


coco <- function(A, B, nodes, fdr = 0.01, collocates = NULL) {
    warning("The 'coco' function is deprecated. Please consider using 'corp_coco'.", call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
    DT <- .coco(A, B, nodes, fdr = fdr, collocates = collocates)
    class(DT) <- c("coco", class(DT))
    attr(DT, "coco_metadata") <- list(
        "nodes" = nodes,
        "fdr" = fdr,
        "PACKAGE_VERSION" = packageVersion("CorporaCoCo"),
        "date" = Sys.Date()

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CorporaCoCo documentation built on Aug. 8, 2022, 5:09 p.m.