Man pages for CpGassoc
Association Between Methylation and a Phenotype of Interest

cpgMethods for object of class '"cpg"'
cpg.assocAssociation Analysis Between Methylation Beta Values and...
CpGassoc-packageAssociation Between Methylation and a Phenotype of Interest
cpg.combineCombine various objects of class '"cpg"'
cpg.everythingMulti-Task function
cpg.GCcpg.GC and methods for output of function
cpg.permPerform a Permutation Test of the Association Between...
cpg.perm.objectMethods for object of class '"cpg.perm"'.
cpg.qcPerforms quality control on Illumina data.
cpg.workDoes the analysis between the CpG sites and phenotype of...
designCreate full and reduced design matrices for the cpg.assoc...
manhattanCreate a manhattan plot
manhattan.reflectCreate a Reflective Manhattan plot
other.functionsInformation on miscellaneous other functions
Sample.dataSample data from 'CpGassoc'
scatterplotPlot beta values of individual CpG sites against the...
CpGassoc documentation built on May 1, 2019, 8:24 p.m.