Man pages for CrypticIBDcheck
Identifying Cryptic Relatedness in Genetic Association Studies

countIBScalculates counts of 0, 1 and 2 IBS
CrypticIBDcheck-packageidentify cryptic relatedness in genetic association studies
filter.controlSet options for quality control filtering of data.
IBDConstructor function for objects of class 'IBD'
IBDcheckestimate IBD coefficients to identify cryptic relatedness in...
new.IBDCreate a data structure suitable for input to 'IBDcheck'
NhlsimExample data for the CrypticIBDcheck package
plot.IBDplot estimated IBD coefficients for pairs of study subjects,...
RutgersMapB36physical and genetic map positions for a collection of...
sim.controlSet options that control gene drop simulation of relationship...
SNPgenmapconvert physical map positions on build 36 of the genome to...
CrypticIBDcheck documentation built on May 2, 2019, 7:30 a.m.