spec_get_info: spec_driver_get_info

spec_get_infoR Documentation







For objects of class DBIDriver, dbGetInfo() returns a named list that contains at least the following components:

  • driver.version: the package version of the DBI backend,

  • client.version: the version of the DBMS client library.

For objects of class DBIConnection, dbGetInfo() returns a named list that contains at least the following components:

  • db.version: version of the database server,

  • dbname: database name,

  • username: username to connect to the database,

  • host: hostname of the database server,

  • port: port on the database server. It must not contain a password component. Components that are not applicable should be set to NA.

For objects of class DBIResult, dbGetInfo() returns a named list that contains at least the following components:

  • statatment: the statement used with dbSendQuery() or dbExecute(), as returned by dbGetStatement(),

  • row.count: the number of rows fetched so far (for queries), as returned by dbGetRowCount(),

  • rows.affected: the number of rows affected (for statements), as returned by dbGetRowsAffected()

  • has.completed: a logical that indicates if the query or statement has completed, as returned by dbHasCompleted().

See Also

Other driver specifications: spec_driver_connect, spec_driver_constructor, spec_driver_data_type

Other connection specifications: spec_connection_disconnect

Other meta specifications: spec_meta_bind, spec_meta_column_info, spec_meta_get_row_count, spec_meta_get_rows_affected, spec_meta_get_statement, spec_meta_has_completed, spec_meta_is_valid

DBItest documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:55 a.m.