spec_meta_has_completed: spec_meta_has_completed

spec_meta_has_completedR Documentation





dbHasCompleted() returns a logical scalar. For a query initiated by dbSendQuery() with non-empty result set, dbHasCompleted() returns FALSE initially and TRUE after calling dbFetch() without limit. For a query initiated by dbSendStatement(), dbHasCompleted() always returns TRUE.

Failure modes

Attempting to query completion status for a result set cleared with dbClearResult() gives an error.


The completion status for a query is only guaranteed to be set to FALSE after attempting to fetch past the end of the entire result. Therefore, for a query with an empty result set, the initial return value is unspecified, but the result value is TRUE after trying to fetch only one row.

Similarly, for a query with a result set of length n, the return value is unspecified after fetching n rows, but the result value is TRUE after trying to fetch only one more row.

See Also

Other meta specifications: spec_get_info, spec_meta_bind, spec_meta_column_info, spec_meta_get_row_count, spec_meta_get_rows_affected, spec_meta_get_statement, spec_meta_is_valid

DBItest documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:55 a.m.