spec_result_roundtrip: spec_result_roundtrip

spec_result_roundtripR Documentation





The column types of the returned data frame depend on the data returned:

  • integer (or coercible to an integer) for integer values between -2^31 and 2^31 - 1, with NA for SQL NULL values

  • numeric for numbers with a fractional component, with NA for SQL NULL values

  • logical for Boolean values (some backends may return an integer); with NA for SQL NULL values

  • character for text, with NA for SQL NULL values

  • lists of raw for blobs with NULL entries for SQL NULL values

  • coercible using as.Date() for dates, with NA for SQL NULL values (also applies to the return value of the SQL function current_date)

  • coercible using hms::as_hms() for times, with NA for SQL NULL values (also applies to the return value of the SQL function current_time)

  • coercible using as.POSIXct() for timestamps, with NA for SQL NULL values (also applies to the return value of the SQL function current_timestamp)

If dates and timestamps are supported by the backend, the following R types are used:

  • Date for dates (also applies to the return value of the SQL function current_date)

  • POSIXct for timestamps (also applies to the return value of the SQL function current_timestamp)

R has no built-in type with lossless support for the full range of 64-bit or larger integers. If 64-bit integers are returned from a query, the following rules apply:

  • Values are returned in a container with support for the full range of valid 64-bit values (such as the integer64 class of the bit64 package)

  • Coercion to numeric always returns a number that is as close as possible to the true value

  • Loss of precision when converting to numeric gives a warning

  • Conversion to character always returns a lossless decimal representation of the data

See Also

Other result specifications: spec_result_clear_result, spec_result_create_table_with_data_type, spec_result_execute, spec_result_fetch, spec_result_get_query, spec_result_send_query, spec_result_send_statement

DBItest documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:55 a.m.