Man pages for DEVis
A Differential Expression Analysis Toolkit for Visual Analytics and Data Aggregation

create_dir_structInitialize the directory structure for automatically storing...
create_master_resCreate a data set consisting of aggregated data for multiple...
create_relabel_fieldCreate a new metadata field by renaming existing levels of an...
de_boxplotVisualize differentially expressed genes as a function of...
de_countsVisualize differentially expressed gene counts as a stacked...
de_density_plotVisualize density plots of fold-change or significance values...
de_diverge_plotVisualize fold-change divergence for differentially expressed...
de_filterApply a custom fold-change filter to an aggregated data...
de_heatCreate heat maps of differentially expressed genes.
de_profile_plotVisualize gene-wise expression of differentially expressed...
DESeqResMeta-classAn S4 class extending the DESeqResults object containing...
de_seriesIdentify and visualize patterns of expression between...
de_volcanoVisualize the expression & significance of differentially...
enrich_resIncorporate additional data about differentially expressed...
exclude_data_subsetSelect a subset of count and target data based on metadata...
get_de_dataAggregate and retrieve data from multiple differentially...
init_cutoffsInitialize cutoff values for significance and fold-change...
init_data_pathsInitialize data paths for count and target files.
keep_data_subsetSelect a subset of count and target data based on metadata...
make_composite_fieldCreate a composite metadata field by merging existing data.
plot_dendroCreate dendrograms based on hierarchical clustering.
plot_euclid_distVisualize the Euclidian distances between samples.
plot_geneVisualize the expression of a specific gene with regard to...
plot_group_statsVisualize overall data set as a function of a metadata...
plot_mdsVisualize multi-dimensional scaled data for all samples, with...
plot_mds_hullsVisualize multi-dimensional scaled data for all samples, with...
plot_poisson_distVisualize the poisson distances between samples.
prep_countsRead tab or comma delimited count data.
prep_dds_from_dataPrepare a DESeq2 object based on count and target data.
prep_targetsRead tab or comma delimited target metadata file.
set_output_modeDetermine if visualizations are written to file, printed to...
transpose_gene_idsRename gene IDs based on a 1-to-1 mapping file.
write_all_de_resultsWrite differentially expressed gene data for multiple result...
DEVis documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:18 p.m.