"GROUP.DIFFS" <-  function (data, GROUPS=NULL, DV=NULL, var.equal=FALSE, 
                            p.adjust.method="holm", Ncomps=NULL, verbose=TRUE) {
# if GROUPS & DV are NULL, then the groups variable is in 1st column & the DV is in the 2nd column of data

# the groups variable can be numeric or categorical

# var.equal -- a logical variable indicating whether to treat the two variances as being equal. 
# If TRUE then the pooled variance is used to estimate the variance otherwise the  
# Welch (or Satterthwaite) approximation to the degrees of freedom is used.

# p.adjust.method options are "holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "fdr", "none"

# Ncomps is the # of pairwise comparisons; if unspecified, it will be the # of all possible GROUPS comparisons

if (is.null(GROUPS) & is.null(DV) )    donnesT <- data
if (!is.null(GROUPS) & !is.null(DV) )  donnesT <- cbind(data[,GROUPS], data[,DV])

grpnames <- unique(as.vector(as.matrix(donnesT[,1]))) 

Ngroups <- length(grpnames)

if (is.null(Ncomps))  Ncomps <- choose(Ngroups, 2)

resultsM <- noms1 <- noms2 <- c()

for (lupe1 in 1:(Ngroups-1)) {
	for (lupe2 in (lupe1+1):Ngroups) {

		dum <- subset(donnesT, donnesT[,1] == grpnames[lupe1] | donnesT[,1] == grpnames[lupe2]  )
		newdon <- data.frame(dum[,1], dum[,2])

		MNgrp1 <- mean(subset(newdon[,2],newdon[,1]==grpnames[lupe1]))
		MNgrp2 <- mean(subset(newdon[,2],newdon[,1]==grpnames[lupe2]))

		SDgrp1 <- stats::sd(subset(newdon[,2],newdon[,1]==grpnames[lupe1]))
		SDgrp2 <- stats::sd(subset(newdon[,2],newdon[,1]==grpnames[lupe2]))

		N1 <- nrow(subset(newdon,newdon[,1]==grpnames[lupe1]))
		N2 <- nrow(subset(newdon,newdon[,1]==grpnames[lupe2]))

		tresults <- stats::t.test(newdon[,2] ~ newdon[,1], data=newdon, var.equal=var.equal) 
		tgroups  <- tresults$statistic
		dfgroups <- tresults$parameter
		plevel   <- tresults$p.value

		plevel.adj <- stats::p.adjust(plevel, method = p.adjust.method, n = Ncomps )

		# confidence intervals for the mean difference
		mdiff <- MNgrp1 - MNgrp2
		ci.lb <- unlist(ci)[1]
		ci.ub <- unlist(ci)[2]
		# r effect size
		reffsize =  sqrt( tgroups**2 / (tgroups**2 + dfgroups) )

		# d effect size -- from R & R p 303 General Formula  best, because it covers = & not = Ns
		deffsize = (tgroups * (N1+N2)) / ( sqrt(dfgroups) * sqrt(N1*N2) )

		# g effect size -- from R compute.es.pdf
		df <- N1 + N2 - 2			
		bigJ <- 1 - (3 / (4 * df - 1))			  
		geffsize <- bigJ * deffsize   

		# BESD -- 2019 Funder, Ozer - Evaluating Effect Size in Psychological Research: Sense and Nonsense  p 160
		besd <- ((reffsize * 100) / 2) + 50

		# Bayes factor -- http://daniellakens.blogspot.com/2014/09/bayes-factors-and-p-values-for.html
		# bb = ttestBF(formula = newdon[,2] ~ newdon[,1], data = newdon);   ee=extractBF(bb); ee
		# bb = ttestBF(x = newdon[1:10,2], y= newdon[11:20,2]);   ee=extractBF(bb); ee
		BF_h0h1 <- exp(suppressMessages(-ttest.tstat( (tgroups),N1,N2,rscale=1)$bf))

		BF_h1h0 <- 1 / BF_h0h1

		results <- cbind( lupe1, N1, MNgrp1, SDgrp1, lupe2, N2, MNgrp2, SDgrp2,
		                  tgroups, dfgroups, plevel, plevel.adj, mdiff, ci.lb, ci.ub, 
		                  abs(deffsize), abs(geffsize), reffsize, besd, BF_h1h0, BF_h0h1 )
		resultsM <- rbind(resultsM, results)

		noms1 <- append(noms1, grpnames[lupe1])
		noms2 <- append(noms2, grpnames[lupe2])		                  

resultsM <- data.frame(resultsM)
rownames(resultsM) <- c()
colnames(resultsM) <- c("Group1","N1","Mean1","SD1","Group2","N2","Mean2","SD2","t","df","p","p adj.",

resultsM[,1] <- noms1
resultsM[,5] <- noms2

if (verbose == TRUE) {
	message("\n\nGroup comparisons - significance tests:\n")
	print(round_boc(resultsM[1:12], round_non_p = 2), print.gap=3)
	message("\nGroup comparisons - confidence intervals, effect sizes, and Bayes Factors:\n")
	print(round_boc(resultsM[c(1,5,13:21)], round_non_p = 2), print.gap=3)


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